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"So, how was class today?" Cedric and Kacey found themselves siting out in the courtyard, chatting away while they leaned against each other. "Rather boring."

"May I kiss you?"

"What kind of silly question is that?"

Tender moments like these, they absolutely made her day. It's what she looked forward to after a long day. A long day of classes teaching her things she already knew. And spying on Potter. His lips gently began to caress hers, his arm draped around her shoulder.

"No kissing in the courtyard, don't make me tell you again." Snape chimed in. Cedric leaning his head back "Yes professor."

"Smite. I suspect you wouldn't want your uncle hearing about this. You, with a boy." Those were his last words before he left the couple. Kacey was angry, but kept herself contained.

He won't dare to tell my father.

"He knows your uncle?"

"Yes, they're very close." A heavy sigh left her lips as she rested her head against his shoulder, his hand rubbing the small of her back. "Maybe my father would allow you to come home with me for the Holiday." Cedric suggested, pressing a kiss to the girl's temple. "That would be nice, but I don't think my uncle would approve.."

I can't let my father know about Cedric. Who knows what would happen to him. I would never be able to forgive myself if he got harmed..

"It's okay, as long as you write to me."

If I can, I promise I will. If I don't complete my mission, who knows what will happen to me.

"What?!" The frightened girl shouted, a hand quickly clasping over her mouth. "Don't be so loud you fool!"

"Smite isn't your real name then.." It was Corie that had shouted. She felt as if she was trapped in a nightmare.

"Of course not, it's Riddle." The name that struck fear into the hearts of all.

"I can't believe it, you're the daughter of He Who Shall Not Be Named. Does anyone else know?"

"Draco and Snape, but that doesn't mean you can run around and tell them you know how I am."

"Why are you here?"

"You're scared now, aren't you?"

I'm a fool, I should have never told her.

"I am.."

"There's no need to be.. I'm only here to, keep an eye on Snape and Draco. Since they both work with for my father." In reality, they were supposed to keep her in check while she spied on Potter. And worked from the inside.

"Cedric, he doesn't know..Does he? Or Harry?"

"The Golden Trio must never find out, and it's too unsafe to tell Cedric. If my father ever hurt Cedric, who knows what kind of rage that would put me in."

Smite had calmed down. The girl that stood before he seemed nothing like her father. She seemed as if she was just trying to live a normal life.

"Get some rest Smith, have a good night." Kacey left her alone in the common room, retiring to her dorm for the night.

As usual, the couple walked hand in hand into the Great Hall. There were always eyes on them. Draco. But when Kacey had looked to the Slytherin table, there was no sight of the boy. Instead, a familiar dark skin boy she had seen around the castle. He was heard to be a total git. Blaise Zabini. She never spoke to him, but she heard him talking about all the girls he had snogged or shagged. A total asshole.

"Dear?" Cedric cleared his throat softly, the girl's attention snapping back towards him. "Sorry, I zoned out." She did that a lot, zoning out. Often getting lost in her own thoughts, to caught up to care about her surroundings. "Are you sitting at your table today?"

"Yes, I don't see Draco this morning.. perhaps it'll be peaceful for once."

"I'll walk you to potions after breakfast then." He pressed a kiss to her cheek, earning a smile in return before the Slytherin girl left. He watched as Corie clung to her side. That was her real friend.

"Boo!" The blond girl shouted, Kacey jumping awake. "Corie! You can't scare me like that!" She held her hand to her chest, covering the necklace she was wearing. Her friend only snickered. "I'm being serious, I have a heart condition.. if I get too worked up it can be deadly."

It was true, it was something she was born with. It was from her mother. Merlin, she really was like her. Kacey had brought attention to her necklace, something Corie had never noticed before.

"Your necklace, it's beautiful." It was a thin, golden chain. There was a circular cut ruby, encased in gold. It was random, catching the girl off guard. "Oh, it was my mother's. My favorite gave it to me when I was very young. He calls it the Heart of the Phoenix. But uh, perhaps we should sit and eat before classes start."

The two Slytherin girls sat at their table, no Malfoy in sight. There was someone else staring at them, instead of him. Blaise. Draco's real friend, unlike Crabbe and Goyle. He was a total prick. Kacey and Corie neither had the chance to ever speak to him before. Until he approached them.

"Kacey Smite, is it? Draco talks about you often."
He had dark skin and a buzz cut, his smirk was very charming. It didn't stop Kacey from wanting to punch him in the face.

"Yes, and this is Corie Smith."

"So, you and Cedric?"

"Yes. What about it?"

"I just have a feeling about you. Things won't work out."

How dare he?

"What makes you think that?"

"Come on! A Hufflepuff and a Slytherin, really? Soon enough you'll insult him into the ground.

The Dark Princess (Love Triangle with Cedric and Draco)Where stories live. Discover now