The Water Fountain

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The twenty fourth of November, the day she dreaded. It was the first task of the Triwizard cup. She couldn't watch, if anything happened to Cedric she couldn't bare it. But she watched. Each wrong step he took she gasped, her wand was in hand. Ready to interfere at any moment.

"He has captured the Golden Egg!" The announcer shouted, Kacey jumping up and down in her seat. "Relax Smite, it's just an egg." Malfoy teased, pulling the girl back down onto her bum. The girl scoffing in return. "I can't help but be excited, he made it out alive."

What if that were me? Would you be just as happy?

"I'm glad the next task isn't till next year, I don't think my heart could take anymore." Kacey placed a hand upon her chest, Draco suddenly looked worried. His arm wrapped around her waist as they both stood. "Let's get going now, I don't want you fainting."

The young girl drug her poor friend out into his own backyard, taking a seat by the water fountain. "I always love coming over, especially when Father is in a mood." She sighed heavily, dipping her fingertips into the cold water. "Promise me, you'll always be my friend Draco." Her expression was suddenly serious, and without hesitation the boy spoke. "Forever. Till the end of time." He nodded I'm agreement, laying down and placing his head in the girl's lap. "I love you, Draco." Love. Comfort. Happiness. Something the boy had never felt until he met her. "I love you. Forever. No matter what."

"Cedric!" It was supper by the time the couple was able to see each other. Cedric surrounded by fans and friends. Suddenly, they were invisible when the girl jumped onto him. "I was so worried." Everyone suddenly left, as if they were never there in the first place. "No need to worry darling, I'll be fine. There's two more tasks. Not to mention, the Yule Ball. Have you picked out a dress?" The girl shook her head, sighing as he placed her down. "No, my uncle is going to send me a dress of his choice." He cupped her chin, toying with her bottom lip. "Tonight, meet me at the astronomy tower."

Kacey went to go sit at her table, squeezing between Blaise and Draco. "Good evening boys." The both gently squeezed her between their shoulders, snickering softly. "Oi, watch it!" She whacked again both of them, pulling on Draco's ear. "Yes, mum." For once dinner was rather nice, the trio shared laughs and jokes. Especially about the Golden Trio. "We're like them, but Slytherin." Blaise commented. "The Dark Trio, it has a nice ring to it." Kacey smiled, quickly looking away. No. They weren't allowed to see her smile.

It was midnight by the time Kacey got to the astronomy tower, Cedric leaning against a supporting pillar. "I just got here." He turned on his heels to look at the girl, welcoming her with open arms. His arms snaked around her waist as he leaned down towards the girl, pressing his lips against hers. "I've missed you, so much." He spoke between kisses, a hand sneaking down to her bum. Her arms draped around his shoulders. It was sudden when he lifted the girl up by her legs, wrapping them around his waist.

"What if we get caught?" She pulled away momentarily as he laid her down on the floor, towering over her. "We won't, don't worry."

The rest of the night they exchanged smooches and body warmth. With permission, he had marked up her pale skin. All along her slender neck and collar bone, which she had returned the favor.

"Morning, boys." The girl sat beside the two Slytherin boys, they bursted out into laughter. "What's so bloody funny?" She pouted, running her fingers through her hair. "When did you become a Hufflepuff?" Blaise teased, gently pulling on her scarf. Her eyes widened. Her scarf! Her and Cedric must've switched last night on accident. "Bloody hell." She unraveled the scarf around her neck and hid it in her robe, only receiving more laughs from the two boys. "Now what it is?"

"You look like a leopard." Draco tapped on his neck, a smug look on his face. "Did you two shag and not tell us?" Blaise teased. The girl was obviously frustrated and quickly wrapped the scarf back around her neck. "Silence, before I kill you."

"What are you drawing?" The girl questioned the boy with gray eyes, resting her head on his shoulder as they spent their time in the courtyard. He was sketching something. "Oh, just a girl. I had a dream about her, and a water fountain." It was a girl with a crown, sitting with her hand in the fountain. It was a beautiful piece.

"Draco, will you be my Dark Prince?" They were so young at the time to realize that was a commitment. "Of course, I love you after all."

Narcissa watched from the window of the house, a bright smile on her face. "I believe they'll be life long friends Lucius, perhaps they'll get married."

"They're twelve, give them a break."

"I believe they're good for each other. The way he talks about her, he has a twinkle in his eyes. He's happy because of her darling. They understand each other."

"I must get going now, I told Cedric I would meet up with him. Have a good day, Draco."

"You too, Princess."

The Dark Princess (Love Triangle with Cedric and Draco)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora