First Day Jitters

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"Father, why must I go? I already know everything."

"Smartass, just like me." His long, unclipped nails adjusted the robes the young girl was wearing. "You're going because of that Potter boy, he is not dead.." He folded his arms behind his back, giving an approving smile to his daughter.

"Won't people know who I am?" She looked nothing like her father, thankfully. Her black (with the two front strands nicely bleached) hair was thick, almost so wavy it looked unbrushed. Her eyes a deep, worn out hazel. She was just as pale as you'd expect the Dark Lord's daughter to be. The freckles across her cheeks were very faint, almost as if they had faded.

"You will go by Kacey Smite. Your parents were killed by the Dark Lord himself. You live with your uncle Steve." Of course he had already planned this entire thing for her. One slip up and her cover would be blown. Perhaps her brains would be blown out as well. He knew this was dangerous for his child. His only child. "There will be people there that know of you, they are there to serve you. You will know them when the time comes."

"I'm going to be surrounded by a bunch of fools then, if they're your friends."

"Young Malfoy will be there."

Draco. It had what felt like forever since she had seen him. When he would come with his father to visit Kacey was locked away in her room most of the time. His father was always upsetting the young girl. Constantly asking where her mother was. Dickhead.

"Go on now, you have a long ride ahead of you." He wasn't affectionate. Did you really expect him to be?

It was sudden, but he pulled her into a small hug. Gently flattening down her hair. "You look so much like your mother.."

It wasn't a proper goodbye, but at least she got a hug out of it. It was early when the girl had jumped onto the train to Hogwarts. "May I sit here?" The girl peeked her head in, looking at the people that currently occupied the spot. Three kids her age. All she knew to well. The Golden Trio. Harry and Ron looked at her in awe with mouths agape, Hermione was upset the attention had been drawn away from her.

"Of course! I'm Ron by the way." Kacey sat beside the fellow female, since the two boys were seated next to each other. "I'm Harry, Harry Potter. And the girl is Hermione Granger." She was too stubborn to speak for herself. "Kacey Smite." They didn't have to introduce themselves. Father had already told her about the troubling teens. That's why she was here after all.

"I take it you're a first year." Hermione finally spoke up, looking to her left. "No, actually. I'm a fourth year."

"Does she look eleven to you?" Ron couldn't help but point out she looked too mature to be a first year.

"You're the same year as us then." Harry interrupted before a fight could break out between the other two. "What house are you interested in?"

"I don't really know, maybe Hufflepuff?" Bullshit. She knew. The sorting hat would know. Hopefully, it wouldn't know too much.

It was weird for Kacey to sit around so many unsorted first years, she was the only upperclassmen. And she was last to go up.

"Lastly, we have a new fourth year. Kacey Smite."

As she rose from her seat all eyes were on her. But she only noticed Harry, flashing a quick smile before she took a seat in front of the entire school. The hat was placed upon her head.

"Hm, interesting.. certainly cunning. Yet courageous and brave. Ambitious you are. I can tell you're going to be a trouble maker this year, with all that cleverness you hold. But I know exactly where you belong."

It became silent as the room waited for the final student to be sorted.


There were 'boo's and 'wohoo's. Kacey turned to see Harry frowning, but she only shrugged at him.

She took her seat at the middle of the Slytherin table. A hand placed itself upon her shoulder and she jolted. It felt familiar. But so distant. It was something hidden. Something she had been waiting for.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Riddle.."

That was all she needed to hear.


"It's nice to see you again. It's been too long."

"Not long enough I say."

"Ouch, you don't miss the only friend you have?"





The two bickered back and forth, insulting each other until they were dismissed to their common rooms. Draco ran off with his gang while Kacey took her time. Examining the people around her. Their faces, how they spoke, what made them crack a smile. Her thoughts were interrupted when her name was called in a questioning manner.

"Kacey Smite? Is that your name?" It was a voice she hadn't heard before, but she didn't hesitate to see who it was.

It was a boy that seemed a little older than her. He was in Hufflepuff robes. His hair was a dirty blond, out of the way of his eyes. It had a nice wave to it. His blue eyes gazed into her own orbs. He looked so gentle.

"Yes, that's me."

"I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory."

He extended his hand, the younger girl hesitantly excepted and shook firmly.

"Slytherin, eh?"

"My father was a Slytherin, I was expecting it to be honest."

"I just hope you're not as bad as Malfoy. He's a total twat."

It was silent for a moment, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence.

"You have scars all over you.."

When Cedric noticed what he had said he quickly clasped a hand over his mouth.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean any offense."

Her expression was blank. Was she upset?

She chuckled, only waving her hand to dismiss his apology.

"Don't worry, a lot of people point that out."

How did he notice? The scars covered her body, her face was the only place without any. Most of her scars were covered, was he just starting?

What he saw were the scars on her arms when he had shook her hand. Along with the scars on her neck that had been exposed when her scarf fell the slightest on her shoulders and the bruising on her right hand.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

"When I was a young girl, a friend of mine gave me these scars.. We were messing around with magic, and it all went wrong."

There was more to the story. Like how her father was cruel to her and would torture her on his bad days. The only scar she had received from the story she told was the scar on her left palm.

"Oh, well.. perhaps I can walk with you to your common room? I see none of the others stayed behind for you."

He was a Hufflepuff, no doubt. He had a sweet aura.

"That would be nice."

The two walked in silence as he lead her to the Slytherin Common Room, only speaking when they had reached their destination. "Maybe I'll see you around. Have a good first day." His smile was real. Was he always this delightful? "Goodbye Diggory." Her goodbye was less friendly, but she meant no offense. Right as she stepped foot into the common room she spotted Draco. Sitting on the arm of a couch while his little followers stood beside him.

"Smite, glad you could finally join us."

The Dark Princess (Love Triangle with Cedric and Draco)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum