Yule Ball

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"My father sent me a dress Corie! Would you like to see it?" Kacey had just received a package from her father along with a letter. The blond girl perked at her name, nodding as she found a seat on her friend's bed. "Read the letter as well."

"Oh, the letter can wait!" The girl shook in anticipation as she opened the box her father at delivered, her jaw dropping. He really picked this dress. For her? There was a small note as well.

The best for a Princess.

"Don't be shy, show it to me!" Corie stomped her feet on the hard wood floor, her jaw dropping as well as Kacey held the dress against her shoulders. "It's gorgeous! You're so lucky."

The girls will stare in envy of the dress. The boys will stare in envy of her date. Draco will feel his heart start to race.

This was her night. Even if the Yule Ball was here for all students. She wanted to shine the brightest.

"Read the letter now." Corie reminded her of the letter, watching her rip the envelope.

I take it you've been too caught up in being with your lover boy. Get to work.

"Well, what does it say?"

"Nothing, just about my behavior."

She had almost forgotten about why she came to Hogwarts in the first place. Cedric really was a distraction.

"Well, I say we take a day to ourselves. Take all the time in the world to gossip and get ready." Corie suggested, brushing her hair away from her eyes. "That would be rather nice actually, for once you have a bright idea. Corie."

"You always have a smart remark."

"You love me."

The girls spent their day cleaning the room they shared, treating themselves to Chocolate Frogs Cedric had bought his girlfriend not to long ago. Along with nice baths.

"Oi, zip me up please." Kacey had gotten herself ready, curling her hair along with putting on a face of makeup. Corie smiled at the sight of her friend. She was beautiful. Willingly, she zipped her dress up for her. "Cedric is so very lucky."

"Who's your date?"

"Oh, Blaise."

Draco's friend. When did he ever ask her to go to the ball with him? It was none of her concern anyways. She knew about Blaise. It wouldn't last long.

"Why don't we get going? I'm sure Cedric is waiting for me, and Blaise must be to."

The two girls interlocked arms as they left their common rooms, searching for the two boys. Blaise was just down the hall, and Corie had run off to him. It wasn't until Kacey reached the Great Hall. Cedric was waiting. When the girl had come into view he felt tears come to his eyes.

"Cedric, what's wrong?"

"Nothing darling, you just look.. so, so beautiful." He pressed a kiss to her head, taking ahold of her hand. "I might have to fight off a few boys if they stare too long." He teased, yet part of him was being serious. He had never liked someone this much. He was willing to do anything for this girl. Anything at all.

Draco felt his heart race as the girl entered the Great Hall, he didn't even pay attention to her date. She really did look like a Princess. No doubt, she was the most beautiful girl there that night. He felt envious of Cedric. He had everything he ever wanted. The girl. He had come alone to the ball, standing in the corner to watch her from afar.

The couples all danced in unison, the boys holding onto the waists of the their girls while the girls draped their arms over their shoulders.

"I still can't get over how stunning you look, darling."

"You look rather handsome yourself, I'm the luckiest girl at the ball."

The boy. Kacey's eyes had accidentally found themselves landing on Draco, he was staring at them. He looked so lonely. It broke her heart.

The couple continued to dance and chat the night away. Feasting with their friends.

"Kacey, I want to tell you something."

Oh no, oh no!

"Yes, Cedric?"

"I.. I love you. I am in love with you, deeply." It was obvious he was nervous, the girl could feel the shaking in his hands.

Love. This is so what this was. Love. Young, teenage love.

"I love you too Cedric. To the moon and back."

The girl froze when she felt a hand that was not her boyfriend's brush against the small of her back, turning to see Draco.

"Draco, you look rather handsome this evening."

"You look beautiful, dare I say the most beautiful girl in the room."

There was a moment of silence.

"I just wanted to check up on you, have a good rest of your night."

Draco turned on his heels, biting his lip. He wish he could've said more.

"Cedric, I hate to ask.. but may I go dance with him?" The girl spoke in a whisper, leaning in to her boyfriend's ear.

"Of course. I love you, have fun."

He knew he had the girl wrapped around his finger, he wasn't worried about her falling in love with Draco.

The girl hurried up to catch up with the blond boy, grabbing his wrist.

"Dance with me." It was more of a demand then anything, but the boy turned around and placed his hands on her hips. "Of course."

The two danced as if they were a couple, Cedric hung out with his friends during the meantime.

"Am I really the most beautiful girl here?"

"You're always the most beautiful, Princess."

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