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"The Hogwarts Champion is, Cedric Diggory!"

The Slytherin girl screamed, clapping her hands happily for her boyfriend. It was a big deal. And she was proud of him.

"We have our three champions, but in the end.. only one will go down in history."

The girl was looking towards the Goblet that held the blue fire, glancing towards Snape. It was her father. She quickly rose from her table, wand in hand as she approached. The note shot out and landed in her hand.

"Miss Smite, what is that?" Dumbledore questioned.

"Our fourth champion."

He looked at her with wide eyes, Snape seemed rather calm.

"Harry Potter." The fellow students were enraged. He wasn't even seventeenth yet. But, this was part of the plan. Her father would kill Harry on the last task of the last day. This would all be over. She could go home.

After they were dismissed Kacey ran to Cedric, he caught her carefully in his arms. "Oh, I'm so proud of you!" He spun her around before placing her down, his arms around her waist. "I'm rather excited, but I'll have to train and prepare myself.. which means, less time with you."

"That's alright, this is serious. It means a lot to you, I can wait."

"Tomorrow, I have a surprise for you. But for now, good night darling."

"Good night Cedric."

The two said their goodbyes and left for their common rooms. The Slytherin Common room was quiet, only the crackling of the burning wood. And Malfoy tapping his foot as he sat on the couch. "Hello, Malfoy." She sat beside him, holding her hands in her lap. "Smite. I need help."


"The Yule Ball. I don't know who to go with, the only person I want to go with for sure won't go with me."

"Well, go with one of your friends. Or, just go alone."

"Wow, thank you."

"You're welcome."

It was a rather boring day, Cedric wasn't able to walk the girl to most of her classes. But he managed to steal her during lunch. Bringing her out to the courtyard where a lot of other students gathered.

"Cedric, I thought you had a surprise for me?"

"I do!"

Suddenly, hundred of notes flew up into the air. All shaped like snakes. They lined up neatly before unfolding and becoming a banner. The banner read:

"Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

It was a very cheesy gesture, but it was so cute. Draco was watching nearby. He was happy, for the girl of course. Suddenly, he held his hand to his chest. Watching as the girl struggled to speak.


Cedric pulled her into his arms, her entire body shaking. Until he stepped in.

"Sorry to ruin the moment Diggory, but Kacey's heart is acting up.." He placed his hands on the girls back, clearing his throat softly. "Her heart?"

"Yes, she has a heart condition.. she can't get too worked up."

"How can you tell?" Cedric kept the girl to his chest, he could hear her breathing quickening.

"She's shaking like bloody crazy, and I figured she'd become worked up over this. Do you mind if I?" He carefully pulled the girl from his arms, trapping them in his own instead. It was quick, the girl already started to calm down.

"Kacey, is this alright with you?" Cedric wasn't the jealous type, but he wanted to make sure Kacey was comfortable.

"Yes, this is fine.. I feel better now. Thank you, Malfoy."

He stepped back, flashing a smile. "No problem."

"You smiled." Blaise blurted as he changed into his sleepwear, not even looking at the boy with platinum blonde hair. "What?"

"You smiled at that Smite girl."

"And? She's a dear friend of mine."

"I'm a dear friend of yours."

"Me and her, we go way back.. you wouldn't understand?"

"Ex? Did you two shag?"

"No! Dear Merlin."

"Then what is it?"

"We grew up with each other, we were together all the time.."

"Draco!" The girl screamed in pure excitement, tackling the boy to the ground. He was back for the summer after his first year at Hogwarts. "I've missed you so much!" Tears streamed down her face as he held her in his arms, choking on his tears. "Kacey, I will always come back."

"Draco! Look at me!" The two had run away from the girl's own birthday party, she was finally twelve. She was sitting up in a tree, dangling her legs. "Oi, be careful!" The boy stood at the trunk, ready to catch the girl if she fell. "Don't worry, I'm coming down." She began to make her way down, until her foot missed one of the last branches. The boy panicked as the girl started to fall, quickly throwing himself out there. She landed on him. It was silent. Until both of them bursted out laughing.

"Childhood crush?"

"No. Just a good friend."

"That ring, it matches the girl's necklace.."

"Yeah, the necklace was her mother's. She gifted me with this ring before I left for Hogwarts my first year."

"Call her a friend all you want, I can tell there's more to it."

"Even if I did like her. She loves Cedric, I can almost feel how her heart races when she's with him.."

"Boo!" The boy wrapped his arms around the girls waist, lifting her up in the air. "Cedric! You scared me." She laughed softly, turning to face him once he had placed her down. It was snowing over the courtyard, everyone all bundled up. "I've missed you."

"It's been a day, Cedric."


The Dark Princess (Love Triangle with Cedric and Draco)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum