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More letters came to the common room for Kacey, each short poem was about her eyes. Not once did she get a letter from her father, or her uncle Steve. Only her secret admirer. Over the days she learned more about everyone and everything. Like how Cho Chang is Cedric's most recent ex. And now she has her eyes on Harry. The Potter boy grew to trust her more, even openly speaking out the Dark Lord. It was all coming together perfectly. Draco was still a pest, but he was slowly toning down. Cedric, he was still amazing. Always walking with the girl between their classes and sneaking her over to his table for meals.

"Another letter, Smite." Goyle handed the girl a plain envelope, earning a faint smile as a thanks.

Dear Kacey,

Those hazel eyes

With no words

With no sounds

It's as if they had a million

Words locked

Once I was told

"Eyes never lie though they can't speak"

Those hazel eyes

Are telling me the truth

The worlds stops for a while

And so does my heart

I'm slowly falling

While staring at those hazel eyes.

She received a letter once a week, mainly on Thursdays. Same red wax seal, same type of parchment, and same envelope. Her curiosity was starting to eat away at her. Was this all a sick prank? Who even was this? Were they speaking the truth in their letters?

"Thank you Goyle, I'll see you later." The girl left for the Great Hall to grab a quick breakfast. Over her time here she had won multiple points for Slytherin, especially from Snape. She was his favorite, and he practically worshipped her father. What a kind man he was.

Her scarf covered her nose as she stuffed her hands into her robe pockets, as it got colder outside it started getting colder inside the castle. The warmth in the Great Hall was incomparable. No wonder all the students hung around as long as they could while they eat their meals.

"Oi, Kacey!" What she looked forward to every morning. Her Hufflepuff. "Cedric, good morning." She slowed her pace, waiting till he was at her side till she continued on her path down the corridors.

"Would you like to hang out tonight? It's been forever since we snuck out."

"It was last week Cedric. But, I wouldn't mind spending time with you tonight. I've caught up on all my studies."

Cedric kept close to her side as they walked to the Great Hall for supper. People always gave them looks. Cho Chang stopped looking at them. Draco never stopped. He somehow was even more gloomy as the days passed. Everyday Cedric and Kacey got closer and closer, he got more distant. He was like a bomb, waiting to be set off.

"Cedric, I have a question." The two students were filling their plates, taking sit on the far end of the Hufflepuff table. No one questioned why she would sit with them. It was obvious. And she looked as if she would bite there heads off if anyone bothered her.

"What is it?" He placed his fork down on his plate, taking a swig of ice water from his class.

"I've been receiving letters. Every Thursday." She pulled a handful of letters out of her bookbag, she carried them all with her everyday. Everywhere. "Every letter, it's a poem about my eyes. Everyone calls them brown. Except you." She handed the letters to him, watching a smile grow on his face. "Eyes hazel, sweet and dynamic. And I'm going down, like the Titanic."

Him. She should have known all along. Part of her doubted it, up until now. It wasn't a prank. It wasn't some little first year that had a crush on her. Cedric Diggory. Hufflepuff sixth year.

"It was you, why didn't you ever sign your names..?" No one was aware of what they were talking about.


"Draco, Smite got another letter today.." He whispered into the ear of his platinum blond friend. Watching his expression grow aggressive.

"Look, Diggory is holding all her letters. They're talking." Crabbed pointed to the Hufflepuff table. Which was two tables over. From the stage right it went Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, then Gryffindor.

"I don't give a damn!" Draco slapped his fist down onto the table, a drop of water splashing out of his cup. Goyle and Crabbe quickly backed down. "They obviously like each other, he's been writing the letters. Who else would right that bastard of a girl love poems?"

"I never signed my names because, where's the fun in that?" He carefully put the letters he had wrote back into her bookbag, placing a hand on her thigh. "I'll be at the tower at ten, waiting."

Over her time at Hogwarts she made another friend, perhaps the only friend she would trust coming out of this. Corie Smith, a Slytherin third year. She was quiet, and very intelligent. But, way sweeter than Kacey. If Cedric wasn't following her, Corie would. She had her own minion now.

"Should I wear anything special?" Corie sat on the end of Kacey's bed as she paced back and forth between her wardrobe. "Just dress casual." She stood from her seat, digging around in the clothes. Over her head she tossed a black skirt, similar to the school skirt. Along with a Slytherin cardigan. "There, that way you won't look too suspicious if you're caught by that wretched cat."

She had changed quickly, it was almost ten. She wouldn't want to keep Cedric waiting for too long. Especially if he had something to tell.

"You look good, as usual."

"Thank you Smit, I'll be back."

"Don't let that Malfoy boy catch you."

"He's the least of my worries."

The Dark Princess (Love Triangle with Cedric and Draco)Where stories live. Discover now