Half Blood Princess

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"Oi, Kacey. You never told me about your mother. What happened to her?" It was curfew, and the two Slytherin girls had just settled down into bed. Corie's question was out of the blue, but you could understand her curiousness.

"My mother, it's a long story."

"Tom, this is Elizabeth Merit." The raven haired man had his hand upon the young woman's shoulder. She was slim, with pale skin. Her eyes were an extraordinary green, they were the brightest thing in the room. Her black, Luscious locks fell below her hips. The Dark Lord could feel his heart swell in his chest. "It's a pleasure to meet you Riddle, I've heard lots about you."

From that point on they spent every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month together. They fell in love rather quickly, they both ignored the red flags. They were blinded for the passion they shared. It seemed as if the Dark Lord had a heart after all.

"Look at her Tom, she's so beautiful.." it had been two years since they first met, and they just had a child of their own. "What should we name her?" The lady asked, cradling their daughter in her arms. "Kacey." He blurted, resting his chin on the shoulder of his love. "Kacey Opal Riddle." He repeated, earning a smile. "I love that name. She's going to be a powerful witch."

"How dare you lie to me!? You even had Snape lying for you!" He slammed the vase of roses onto the ground, causing the woman he once loved to flinch. This was a side she had never seen, but only heard of. "Tom, I never meant to upset you. I love you, my dear!" She reached out for him, tears flowing from her eyes like a river. They looked like crying emeralds. The toddler was crying in her crib, witnessing her parents fight in front of her was terrifying. "Avada Kedavra!" The room was blinded by a green light. The screams of the child and the mother were all to be heard.

"He killed your mother for being a muggle? That's harsh.."

"It is, I'm sad I never got to meet my mother."

"So, you've seen death?"

"Yes, I can see thestrals if that's what you're asking."

"Darling!" The Hufflepuff charged at the Slytherin, lifting her up into the air. The two exchanged laughter, embracing each other tightly. "I've missed you, Cedric." She held his face in her hands, caressing his cold skin. "I've missed you too, I can't wait for this all to be over. Hogwarts will have the cup, and I'll have my time with you."

If Hogwarts is still open afterwards.

"Draco and Corie have been keeping me company." He carefully placed the girl down on the fountain so they were eye level, his hands resting on her hips. "Good, no trouble?" He rose an eyebrow, pointing a finger sternly. Only for the girl to grab his hand. "Me? Getting into trouble? Never."

"What did you do this time?"

"Simply stuck gum on Snape's seat, nothing terrible."

"What's your punishment?"

"Nothing, he loves me."

"Someone has to." He rolled his eyes, earning a very gentle slap. "I'm kidding darling, you know it."

"I must get going, I have DADA." She carefully jumped down from her spot, placing a kiss to the boy's cheek. "I'll see you at supper."

"Smite!" An annoying voice. Hufflepuff perhaps. No. Slytherin. Pansy. "Ah yes, what would you like?" The girl turned on her heels, come face to face with the dark haired girl. "I want you to stay away from my Draco, he's taking me to the Yule Ball." She crosses her arms over her chest, looking like such a spoiled brat. "Draco would've told me if he was taking anyone, perhaps in your dreams he asked you."

"Shut up you half blood!"

Half blood.

"What did you just say to me?" The Dark Princess inched closer, clenching her fists.

"Half blood, I overheard you talking to Smith last night." She looked like she accomplished something, but she was far from that.

The girl raised her hand, really to slap the girl out of the corridor before someone grabbed ahold of her. Suddenly being pulled back against a muscular chest. "Let's go, Kacey."

That bloody Malfoy.

Pants scoffed, turning away and stomping off. The arms of the platinum blond boy were wrapped around her waist, keeping her from chasing after the girl. "What did she do?" He spun her around, his hands upon her shoulders. "She.. she called me a half blood." It was true, but that so called rat girl didn't need to say that! "Ignore her, she doesn't know anything. If it makes you feel any better, you're my favorite half blood." He had always known she was a half blood, word got out that her mother was a muggle after she was slayed. "Let's go eat, Cedric wanted me to make sure you weren't skipping meals."

"He's not going to be at supper tonight?"

"No, he's training still. He's taking this very seriously."

The girl let a sigh escape her lips as she sat at her Slytherin table besides the young Malfoy, barely placing any food on her plate.

"Your scars, some have healed." He spoke in a whisper, not wanting to embarrass the girl. It was out of the blue, but he wanted a conversation with her. "Yeah, some." The rolled up the sleeves of her robes, and unraveled the Slytherin scarf that was around her neck. Her bruises had healed, but never these scars.

"They're beautiful to me."

The Dark Princess (Love Triangle with Cedric and Draco)Where stories live. Discover now