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"Cedric?" The girl had snuck around the castle to get to the Astronomy Tower, it was ten fifteen by the time she arrived. She saw a figure in the shadows, leaving over the railing. His scarf blowing in the wind. "It's me." It was the sweet Hufflepuff. One of the only boys she could tolerate at this school. She approached his side, his arm was quick to wrap around her waist.

"You know, the school year isn't even over yet.. but you've made this my best year." Her head rested against his shoulder as he spoke, staring up at the nigh sky. This is all she ever wanted. Before, she believed all this young love was overrated. But of course, she met Cedric.

"I fancy you."

"I know you do, Cedric."

Oh, how long he had been waiting for this. He carefully lifted his hands to her face, caressing her pale cheeks. Watching as a light pink painted over them. The girl rose on her tippy toes, she knew what was coming. His lips crashed down onto her's into a gentle, loving kiss. Her arms snaked around his neck, leaving her back against the railing. Her hear had never raced this fast before. She was almost, scared. Not about being caught. It was the thought of them ending that scared her. If she ruined this, she would never forgive herself. The cold breeze hit her lips as Cedric pulled away, resting his chin atop of her head.

"You look so pretty, and I love this view."

"Cedric, you really do have a way with words.. I had to admit it, but I can't help but feel so helpless around you." She paused, giving him a playful glare. "Tell anyone, and I cut out your tongue."

"I won't, but I won't be able to keep us a secret."

"I never said I wanted you to."

The plantium boy watched from the stairs, clenching his fists tightly. How dare he? How dare that Hufflepuff lay his hands on her? He doesn't even know her! Not like he does..

He got up slolwy, quickly and quietly jogging down the stairs.

"Did you hear that?"

"It was probably an animal." Cedric reasurred, holding the girl to his chest. "I'd like to stay like this, for a while."

"Me too."

"You should have been there!" Kacey plopped down onto her bed, loosening her tie. "It was amazing."

"You're starting to sound, soft." Corie chuckled softly as she rubbed her tired eyes. She had stayed up all night to make sure no one was looking for her in the dorm.

"I am? I am! Oh my.." She groaned softly as she changed into her night gown, blowing out the candles on her bedside table.

"It's not always a bad thing. Besides, me and Cedric have only seen this side of you. Your 'secret' is safe with me."

"Goodnight Smith."

"Goodnight Smite."

"You and Cedric? I saw it coming." Hermione chuckled softly, nudging the girl with her elbow.

"You two are almost complete opposites, you two will be great together." Harry chimed in.

"I should've know by the way he looks at you." Ron trailed behind the three other students, just now getting caught up on all that was happening between the two students.

Kacey jolted when she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning to see Cedric. Her friends carried on without a word, but not without a few silly looks. "Good morning."

How can he be so cheerful in the morning?

"Morning, Cedric." She took ahold of his hand, the two walking into the Great Hall side by side. "I'll be sitting at my own table today, my friend Corie has been waiting for me to sit with her. Save her from Malfoy's pestering."

"Maybe he was a little crush on her."

"Oh my, it's the end of the world."

"Look who decided to join us today, boys." For the first time in weeks Kacey sat at her Slytherin table, on the other side of Malfoy and his gang. Corie by her side. "Is your boyfriend sick of you yet?"


Wait, she's not denying it. So, last night really wasn't a dream..

"What's that smell?" Goyle questioned. "It smells good, sweet even."

"Is that.. bubblegum?" Crabbe chimed in, looking towards Kacey.

"I don't have any on me, or even in my mouth." She shrugged her shoulders, taking a sip of her apple juice.

"I bet your boyfriend had some in his mouth when your tongue was down his throat." Draco scoffed, earning chuckles from his two minions.

"Watch how you speak to me Malfoy." Kacey snapped back, Corie placing a hand upon her shoulder. "Don't be jealous about her lips caressing Cedric's, we all know you wish you were him."

How. Dare. She.

"I'm out of here." Draco had nothing else to say. Why did everyone insist he was jealous? He bloody wasn't!

"Me and Draco used to be friends, it may be hard to believe. But after my first week he started being like this, acting like a total twat."

"You, friends with Draco Malfoy? I can sort of see it."

"We were very close growing up, our fathers worked with each other."

"Why did he change all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, but I don't plan on having an actual coversation with him until he grows up. He hurts my head."

"He hurts everyones head."

The Dark Princess (Love Triangle with Cedric and Draco)Where stories live. Discover now