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"Draco, good morning!" The girl shouted into his ear as he rested on the couch, groaning softly in return. "Good morning, Kacey." He pulled her by the wrist to sit beside him, brushing the hair away from his eyes. "I got you a gift, my father sent it in yesterday." She held a small velvet sack in her hand, handing it over to the boy. "I got you something as well." He untied the string carefully, pulling out a woven snake bracelet.

"It screams Malfoy. Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince."

"It's actually very nice, thank you." He was able to put it on without a struggle, it fit perfectly around his wrist.

"I had your father cut me a piece of the ruby we share, to make this for you." He shyly handed over a velvet box. The girl didn't hesitate to open it. Her eyes sparkled at the sight.

 Her eyes sparkled at the sight

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"Draco, it's beautiful." It fit her as well. Her arms trapped him in a hug. This was becoming normal again. Like it was when they were younger. They were back to the Dark Duo. "Your father said you would, he said to be careful with it.. like your necklace."

"I'm glad you're back to the Draco I know and love."

Love. She doesn't love me.

She loves him.

I could never be him.

I wish I was Cedric.

"Darling, good morning." Cedric greeted the girl in the hallways, taking her hand in his. "You look dashing."

"Oh stop, you sound old." She teased, intertwining their fingers. "Are you busy today?"

"No, since the Yule Ball is tomorrow they've allowed us to take a break. To be with friends."

"Friends? Am I a friend to you Cedric Diggory?"

"O-of course not! You're my lovely girlfriend. My darling."

"I was only teasing, I have a gift for you." She held it in her hands, with no hesitation of hiding it.

" She held it in her hands, with no hesitation of hiding it

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"It's very plain, and I'm sorry. But I think it would look good on you, you don't need much to stand out. You're already quite handsome." He leaned down, gesturing for the girl to put it on for him. Carefully, she slipped it on over his head. "I love it, thank you. I'm glad I got you something as well, I can't afford much.. but I thought you would like it." He fumbled around in his pocket before he pulled out a silver ring, taking the girl's hand and slipping it onto her free finger. He didn't question the snake ring.

"Maybe one day, I can get you a gorgeous ring

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"Maybe one day, I can get you a gorgeous ring.. ask you to marry me." He held the girls hands to his chest. His heart beat. It beat for her. Only for her. For her love. For her touch. For her.

"One day Cedric, when I graduate perhaps.." she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with this man. He was a dream come true. But also a nightmare. Her father. She was scared to date anyone. Her father wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone. Even a loved one of his daughter. "Why don't we go to Hogsmeade? I can buy you some Chocolate Frogs."

"How did you know I even like them?" The girl rose her eyebrow. It was rare when her father would allow her to have them, they were a special treat to her. "I took a guess, I see your face lit up when anyone brings any nearby."

The young couple went to Hogsmeade, the young man spoiled his lover with sweets and butter beer. It was a beautiful winter day. The chilly weather caused the couple to often hug each other close. It was a lovely day. This was what they had been waiting for. A free day together. Just for themselves. The Yule Ball was tomorrow. They were both excited to spend their first Christmas together, and dance in the Great Hall as others stared in envy. He would be the luckiest guy there. She would be the luckiest girl.

He was so unaware. Unaware that his darling as the Dark Princess. Unaware that she was supposed to be getting close to Harry. She was lying to him about her identity. But it was understandable. Wouldn't you do the same thing if you were in love?

(A shorter chapter, nothing really important happens until the Yule Ball.)

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