My love letter to you 🏐 (3) final chapter

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For the first time in my life my nerves are actually getting the better of me. So forgive me if I don't sound right.

To the woman who owns my whole heart. Y/N.

It only feels like yesterday we stood in the gorgeous white Chapel where we vowed to be each others rock when life tried to bring us down. The next chapter of our life is going to be a big one but I know we can get through anything (like your phobia of swimming) as long as we stand together.

So today is my turn to repay you for all the times you have comforted me, had warm food in my belly and made sure I have a warm and loving home to come to.

So get in your pj's and sit back and relax for today is the one day where I get to spoil the woman I love rotten.

Chikara x and fluffy 🐾.


Oh, my precious Y/N

In moments like these my life would simply be complete.

When I’m alone in the quiet, it always feels like I can hear your voice, whispering me sweet nothings. I wanted to tell you this from a long time ago, you are essential to me in every way possible from the moments you carried our children for 9 months. To the time when you stood by me after I broke my leg.

My Darling Y/N this love letter carries to you with all my heart. Once I saw your lovely eyes I knew there was nothing more precious to me in this whole world. I want to take you away from the ordinary, away from any upset or misfortune and live a life that makes you happy.

You are the best I ever had and I must be the luckiest person to have you in my life. You are my sunny day in summer. I’d give up all the volleyball in the world to know that you will be right there beside me for the rest of our lives

With all my love to you,
Kita x


Sweet, Y/N,

My heart skips a beat at the thought that soon we will bring a new life into the world to cherish and hold forver once again. To show you once more how dedicated I am to you, for all eternity by makeing sure our child has a loving and caring farther.

Everyday I spend with you feels like a dream I dont want to wake up from. One time a guy asked me how did you find someone so perfect and to be honest i told them I really dont know. When I think back to all those years ago when we used to sit outside the cafe just down the road from your old flat the crisp winter air freezing us both i realise just how far we have come.

Adoringly yours,
Semi x


If life has taught me anything its how strong you really are y/n.

The police force has torn away most of our special moments together my youngest sons first words and steps a memory i will never get to see. You always tell me "that no matter what. You do your job with pride" although those words show the sadness in your eyes.

However I finally decided to put my family first (although you will probably say i already do). I want to repay you back for all the goodbye and morning kisses, late nights of waiting for me to come home and winging being a mum on your own.

Today is our anniversary! And its all about you my dear.

Your husband
Sawamura x


Life has blessed me with the most gorgeous wife to ever exist.

When I think back to days when we were teenagers and how every girl was just an accessory for me truly makes me sick.

Until I met you.

That fateful day outside on the field the snow around us as you held my volleyball in your hands and confessing your feelings with nothing but a light outfit to shelter you from the harsh winds.

And now look at us me a hair stylist and you a primary school teacher that every child adores. Our son always tells me stories about how all his friends want you as their mum and it always makes me laugh.

I know that our path is uncertain and anything can happen. But in this moment  I can see everything is truly blissful.

Happy anniversary my one and only.
Terushima x


Well my love here marks the end of another happy year together.

I know that not being able to spend our anniversary together pains you with all my heart so i send this letter to apologising to you. (Personally I blame this stupid snowstorm).

But I just wanted to say how thankful I am for everything you have done for our family. Aoi doesn't really know how to express herself with emotions which reminds me so much of you when we was in school and how everytime I caught you dancing your face would go redder than my uniform.

A friend of mine once said "every happy story will come to an end in that moment a legacy will be born". And do you know what he is right. Here is to forever my love

Now and always in my heart.
yaku xx



Thankyou to all my loyal readers for reading. I hope your life is filled with happiness and fortune.


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