Care - Satori Tendo 🏐

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"You are an acutal moron sometimes"

Your eyes darted back and forth the court, trying to keep up with the ball played from side to side the intense look on everyone's faces making you feel even hotter. Since you were the teams manager it made sense that you attended the training camp under any means necessary.

There wasn’t much you could do for them while they were hard at practice, but you had made up the idea to wear  shorts and your boyfriend of 2 years Satori Tendos' shirt the breeze attacking your legs and arms making you shiver all over.

You knew full well that you was building up a fever, but in your  excitement for this trip you hadn't bothered to take any measures to cure it like painkillers or sleep and With Nationals right around the corner, you didn’t feel like you had the right to slack off and moan about being sick when it was obvious people like your boyfriend were hard at work and trying their best.

"Miss L/N" their coach Tanji walked over to where you were seated on the bench "yes?" You question wondering what he could be after "do you think you would mind going to the storage room and grabbing some more towels" the sincere look in his eyes making it impossible to say no "yeah sure Mr.Washijo" your arms using every ounce of energy they have left to force you up a spell of dizziness making you waver "are you okay Miss L/N, you dont look very well" coach gestures a hint of concern in his voice "I'm fine, just really hungry" you laugh before escaping from the gym and heading to the storage room his eyes burning holes into you back.

"Where is the ladder?" You mumble to yourself looking at the towels on the top shelf only to give up searching for the ladder and using you legs you place your tip toes on the bottom shelf reaching up as far as you can in an attempt to grab one when all of a sudden another wave of dizziness hits and you fall back the shelf following shortly after your head connecting with the wooden floor as everything around you goes black.


As you slowly regain consciousness you eyes are met by a pure white ceiling and the sound of a fan in the distant background bringing you to your senses "where am I?" You mumble as you try to push yourself up only to have 2 arms grab your shoulders and help prop you up "Satori?" You question almost shockingly as his dark red eyes look at you with worry.

"Your actually a moron sometimes Y/N" the words blunt but soft as he fluffed the pillows behind you "where am I?" You repeat again as Tendo laces your small hands with his cold and slender ones "the nurses office, luckily you only escaped with a tiny cut on the back of your head  and a few scrapes" your brain thinking back "oh yeah, I fell" Tendo scoffing at your words.

"Why didn't you say that you weren't well, the school nurse took your temp and it was 55.2!" A sigh escaping your lips before taking both his hands in yours "I'm sorry Sato" bowing your head in shame the feeling of a soft pair of lips landing on your cheeks.

"Its alright Y/N, just tell me next time okay?" The demand serious as a smile graces your lips your boyfriend may be sarcastic and Annoying to everyone else but when it was just the 2 of you the tenderness and sincerity he showed made you wonder how you ended up with someone so caring.

𝙼𝚁𝚂. 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 🍦 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚔𝚢𝚞𝚞 𝚡  𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚟𝚘𝚕.1Where stories live. Discover now