Memories - Shinsuke Kita 🏐

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"I don't understand it either."

"Atsu!" You call out in the empty abyss the sound of the odd car every now and then appearing "Atsu!" You shout again how can I loose him he was just beside me! The mental thought clouding your vision as you bash into a tall figure and both of you go crumbling to the ground.

"I am so sorry! Are you okay?" The fanatic expression on your face causing the young man in front of you to smile "I should be asking you that?" He questions before standing up and offering you his hand "thanks" you smile brushing the dust of your jacket.

"Can I ask you a question?" Your only chance of finding your cousin in this cute duel haired guy with the body of a god. "Don't know if I'll be able to answer it" he smiles as you pull up a picture on your phone of Atsumu "have you seen this guy about?" His eyes going wide as he spits out the water in his mouth "I haven't seen him about today, but I see him all the Time at school, you aren't another crazy fan are you?" The hairs on your neck standing up at his words.

"Nope I'm his cousin he has probably talked about me before the words "hey wonder" ring a bell" as If you have just flipped on all the lights in his brain. "Oh! So you must be Y/N L/N" his fingers clicking in repsonse "yes! And judging by the dual hair and your intense features you must be shinsuke" as you hold out your hand and he takes yours in his as you shake, the firm grasp sending chills down your spine.

"Want me to help you find him?" The questions making you freeze for a split second "thank you! I have tried ringing him but he won't answer at all" as both of us walk side by side as the setting sun dawns on us "he never does, so what brings you to Tokyo anyway?" The question simple as the search continues.

"Im visiting some friends and family here, atsu being one of them" our search for your cousin forgotten as we grab some ice cream from the van and take a seat on a nearby bench at the park.


"So thats how you met mummy!" Our 2nd oldest Kita chimes as he makes kissy sounds with his dinosaurs, for a 10 year old he certainly has got his mums attitude, "i thought it would be way more exciting than that! Like you rescued her from a burning building!" Cherry's hands blowing up with excitement "well my dearest daughter you certainly have been watching to many movies with your mum" as the sound of the front door opening sends them scrambling to their tiny feet.

"MUMMY!" They both scream as she tosses her suitcase to the side and envelopes both of them in the biggest hug she has proably ever given them in their ten and 8 years of life. "Why do they never get excited when me or you arrive home?" Our oldest Mika question's "i don't understand it either".

𝙼𝚁𝚂. 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 🍦 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚔𝚢𝚞𝚞 𝚡  𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚟𝚘𝚕.1Where stories live. Discover now