Euphoria- Iwazumi Hajime 🏐

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"We will be fine!"

"I think it's bigger than it should be, I mean you are only 4 months in and you look like your 6 months along Y/N" Your loving husband of 2 years and in your eyes sexy speaks into your ear both of you curled up on the couch his hands resting a top of your swollen stomach as your legs tangle with his.

You remove your head from under his chin and shoot daggers debating on whether you should slap him or punch him. Deciding that both would require too much effort on your part since you was carrying his child and that you wouldn't want to be scolded by him about it for the next hour, you keep your hands by your side though and make a snide remark.

"You're lucky I haven't hit you for saying that, if I wasn't pregnant and tired you would probably be beaten meat right now" as a silent laugh escapes him and the pressure he applies to your head the massage immediately silencing you.

"Seriously don't you think it's bigger than normal? Maybe we should call the midwife and have her come over. Something could be wrong Y/N" the glint in his eyes sincere.

"Don't say things like that Hajime!" You bite only for it to sound more like a cry squirming in your husbands lap trying to focus back on the film. "But if it makes you feel better, you can call the midwife" the defeat in your voice evident as he reaches for his phone and plants a kiss a top your head before dialing her number.


Mirroring your anxious look as he stands beside you his large hands holding your delicate little one's the midwife setting up her portable ultra sound machine. "It'll be alright, I promise" the looks on his face reassuring you.

"You're like a scared puppy" You shake your head, but lean over to give him a kiss on the cheek a red tint forming on them. A few minutes later the midwife asks if you are ready and you nod pulling up your top to expose your round stomach the cold gel sending shivers down your spine.

"If you look on the screen over here, you'll be able to see your baby- my dear god" the midwife stops and looking at the screen in shock causing you to immediately straighten yourself up in panic Iwazumi placing his hands on your shoulders as he asks you to lie back down.

She's not wearing a grave expression on her face, which you pray means that there isn't anything wrong

"It's nothing bad Mrs Iwazumi in fact, it's good news.You're going to be having triplets!, congratulations" Your mouth hangs open in complete and utter shock the world around feeling fuzzy as Hajime tries to get a closer look at the screen the midwife pointing out the three different fetuses that are now growing inside of you.

His eyes light up at the little people on screen a single tear rolling down his face before turning to you and with utter joy announces "Triplets!" He's already excited and bows to the midwife thanking her for doing this. "Triplets... how in the world" You're already exhausted just thinking about it, one baby crying was hard enough but 3! That was a whole new board game.

His arms wrap around your upper half and he buries his face in your neck you taking in the sent of his body spray you can feel tears on your shoulder. Smiling warmly, you caress the back of his head as he lets out his emotions, the midwife announcing her leave after telling you all the advice you needed to know and that it would be best for you to stay of your feet as much as possible.

"We will be fine!" He reassures you placing a gentle kiss on your lips.


"Hey Iwa-Chan" you hear the other end of the line a very excited Oikawa, he was Hajimes best friend and obviously was the first person he told besides his parents "Y/N-chan had her ultrasound today" your husbands voice trying to not give away his own excitement "how is the little man?" he asks and before he even had time to speak again Hajime cut him off "I think you mean how are the 3 little mans" as your hear the sound of something being dropped on the other end of the line "OH MY GOD!, NO FU*KING WAY!" The fact he swore making you double in laughter.

Despite this new challenge you were both more than ready for it.

𝙼𝚁𝚂. 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 🍦 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚔𝚢𝚞𝚞 𝚡  𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚟𝚘𝚕.1Where stories live. Discover now