Her hands gripped his shoulders tightly, as if trying to convince herself that this was in fact reality and not some sick nightmare.

"I don't want to be alive, mom." He sighed, looking down.

"Jimin." She looked around, rubbing her hands on her face. "Jimin, I'm sorry. Don't- please don't... We'll contact someone alright? We can fix this."

He chuckled, but nodded nonetheless.

"Just don't... Don't tell your father alright?" She said softly. "You know how he is about... gay... people. I mean, Mr Kang was the one who- I mean, you're a victim, you didn't ask for him to- it's not your fault alright."

Jimin smiled painfully as he let his mother hug him tightly again.

Would she still embrace  him like this if she knew he was just as gay as his rapist?


"Ah, who are you to see?" Hoseok asked as he peeked his head in the entrance of the daycare, a small toddler in his arms. "I don't think I've seen you here before."

"I'm Taesong's older brother, Taehyung." He said politely, bowing down to the man respectfully.

"Aigoo, the Kim family sure is blessed with some really good genes." Taehyung said. "You're handsome."

Taehyung was slightly startled by the straightforwardness of the compliment, but smiled thankfully nevertheless.

"Well, Taesong is playing inside, why don't you come in." The caregiver said. "I'm Hoseok by the way."

Taehyung nodded and followed after him into the main room. There he found his little sister, cuddled up to the side of an all too familiar face.

"Hyung?" He asked, making the man look up.

That's weird. He thought. His eyes are black, but it's definitely him.

"Oppa!" Taesong beamed as she jumped into her brother's arms. "Yoongi-oppa, this is my big brother! His name is Taehyung."

"Yoongi?" Taehyung chuckled, he should have known Kisong wasn't his real name.

He had spent so much time looking for him on every social media possible, but that would have been too easy of course. Yoongi cursed at everything that had ever led him to meet the handsome guitarist again.

"Ah, yeah." He said, hopeful that he hadn't been recognised. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Taehyung smiled.

"Taesong-ah, collect your things, I'll wait for you outside yeah?" He said, grabbing onto Yoongi's wrist and pulling him behind him.

To Hoseok's surprise, instead of staying seated and cursing at the high schooler for even laying a finger on him, Yoongi let himself be pulled to his feet and willingly followed the younger outside.

Taehyung pulled both of them outside, the hard pavement cold against their socks. Taehyung leaned closer to him, grabbing onto the back of his neck and cupping his ear with one of his large hands.

"I know who you are." He whispered, his deep voice sending chills down Yoongi's body. "SUGA."

His eyes widened. Never, in his two years of work had anyone been even remotely close to knowing who he was. And yet he had let this high schooler figure him out in two weeks. And not only did he know about his alter ego, but also his eyes.

"Me? What are you talking about I-" He tried to play dumb. Maybe this kid hadn't thought it through thoroughly and was just acting out on a whim.

"No use trying to deny it." Taehyung said. "And I know your eyes aren't black too, are you wearing contacts?"

Yoongi laughed uncomfortably. His mind was running at record speed, trying to calculate his options. This kid was a minor, it wasn't likely people would believe him right away, but they would surely look into it. Detectives were so hungry for leads on his case there was no way they wouldn't jump on the occasion of someone finally speaking up.

Kids his age are completely unpredictable, and reckless at that, there was no predicting what he would do with the information. He seemed to have no sense of danger either, so a bribe or a threat probably wouldn't work on him.

Yoongi had never killed an innocent person, and he intended to keep it that way. Then again it seemed to be the most efficient way to silence this guy.

"Don't worry, I'll keep your little secret safe." He suddenly said, probably conscious about the utter distress he was putting the older in.

"I don't really feel comfortable with a stranger knowing so much about me." He said, racking through his brain to find a solution.

In the meantime he just glared at the younger, trying to at least intimidate him. He was an assassin after all, a serial killer with close to thirty victims under his belt.

"Well, let's not be strangers then." Taehyung said, completely unresponsive to the silent threat. "My name is Taehyung, but you already knew that. I play guitar, real guitar and you saved my life. Thanks."

Yoongi scratches the back of his head shyly. He had his contacts on so his vision wasn't as clear, he couldn't quite see Taehyung's expression well enough to know if he was lying or not.

"I'm Min Yoongi." He simply said, looking down at the hand Taehyung extended to him.

With a sigh, he took it, surprised at how warm they were.

"Is your ear okay?" He mumbled, not able to look the younger in the eye.

"Yeah, it's-" Taehyung quickly cut his words, this was his opportunity. "Actually it still hurts."

Guilt washed over Yoongi's features.

"You'll have to make it up to me." Taehyung said. "Let me see your eyes."

Yoongi sighed.



Taegi finally found each other yay!

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