Some more confessions

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"Korrina...." ash said "Weren't you eavesdropping at us?". "I am sorry...I didn't mean to but just seeing you after 5 years, it made me to do it to hear your story" Korrina replied. "And I am gonna give some piece of mind to the traitors. How dare they betray someone I have a cr-" she continued but then kept her hand on her mouth realizing what she was gonna say.
"Its okay Korrina, I have already planned for them" ash said with an evil grin. "What are you gonna do?" Cynthia asked."Well I am just gonna do one thing........Humiliate them"he replied.

Then they headed towards the pokemon center and Cynthia left to her hotel not before giving ash a kiss on the cheeks on which ash blushed and korrina was seen to be....jealous?!

Then they both walked inside the large building towards the desk of nurse joy.
"How can we help you?" Joy asked calmly and smiled. "I want a room for me" "yes, here is your rooms key" korrina took the keys and they both turned around but a small with spectacles boy bumped into ash. "Hey watch out" he yelled "I guess that you should watch out as you bumped into me" ash said in a cold tone that brought shivers down the boys spine. Then they heard a familiar voice "Hey max what happened?" A girl with brown hair asked. "He bumped into me and now he is not saying sorry too." Max replied. From the back of the girl a group came up...the group of traitors. "May, max wait for us" a long boy with spiky hair told them. "Uh... Korrina what are you doing here" a boy with lemon hair exclaimed. "Who is this guy?" "You know her?" May asked "yeah she is the gym leader of shalour gym in kalos. "Umm...this is Red my boyfriend" korrina said and gave a smile to ash that says 'go with the flow' ash understood and kept quiet. "What??!! You cant do this me. You know how much I like you?" Clemont roared angry "I am sorry clemont but I have no feelings for you" she replied. "Enough of this. Say sorry to me!" Max yelled "what if I don't" "then let's battle, if you win you will not say sorry and you can keep korrina but if I win you would say sorry and give korrina to us" "if you want it that way, we will battle but don't regret it" Ash replied as they all walked to the battlefield outside of the pokemon center. "I will be the referee. This will be one on one battle. There are no substitutions allowed. And you can mega evolve your pokemon." Brock said. "Are both sides ready?" He asked. They both nodded. "Plz bring out your pokemon." "Sceptile go." Max said. "Let's end this quick" ash said as he summoned his sceptile. The two sceptile looked at each other. There was a major difference in their heights as ash sceptile was humongous. So max added "sceptile mega evolve" max yelled. Ash decided not to hold back. "Battle begin" brock yelled. "Sceptile use agility and run around his sceptile and use leaf storm while running." Ash sceptile turned into a blur as he ran around the other one at a very high speed and used leaf storm. Max ordered sceptile to use leaf blade to get out but once he cleared another round came. After a minute sceptile returned to ash's side "now charge a solar beam and release when I say." Sceptile nodded and as max's sceptile came out of the tornado of leaves. "Now!!" Ash yelled. As sceptile released the solar beam, it hit its target and max's sceptile was thrown towards a tree as he crashed into the tree and changed back to it's normal form. "Max's sceptile is unable to battle. Red wins." Brock declared. Max fell on his knees and shouted "you cheated. How can your sceptile take down my mega sceptile." Max broke into tears and then ash started "it was not my sceptile who took your mega sceptile down, it was you who took it down" Ash stated as he and korrina walked away. "You were amazing there ash" korrina exclaimed as she hugged ash. Then they were walking down the street holding hands, nobody realized that. They saw iris and serena walking, talking to each other. When they both saw them, they glared at korrina. "Why are you two holding hands!!" Iris exclaimed. "Uhh!!" Ash said as she and ash looked at each other and then blushed and broke free of the hands. "We have to do something or someone might take ash away from us" serena whispered into iris' ears. "Yes you are right". As they all started walking, and soon it was evening. They all said their goodbyes to each other and went to their rooms.

With Serena and Iris
"I want you to meet me in the meeting room of the pokemon center tonight after dinner" a voice echoed in their minds.
"Who are you?" They asked
"'Giggling' Arceus" the voice said again.
They both got shocked.

With Korrina
The same happened with her and she was thinking what to do!

The same thing happened with Diantha, Aria, Cynthia, Shauna and Miette.

Time skip 3 hours
Serena and Iris were both walking towards the meeting room after they had dinner.

They entered the room and saw that it was empty. So they thought that it had nothing to do and as they turned they saw all the other girls too as they started.
"Hey shauna, miette. What are you doing here!" Serena asked
"Well we heard someone say to us to meet her in the meeting room here." She replied
"Me too" everyone said in unison
They then entered the room and sat on the table. Suddenly a blinding light appeared and when they opened their eyes, they stood there completely shocked at the sight of the alpha pokemon.


To be continued.....

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