Always Late (2)

19 1 14

Camila sat in her next period as different people filled the room. She noticed a couple people from her advisory including the short girl named Ally and ugh Austin again. Other then that her foster brother Jesus was also in her class which she didnt mind. The class went smoothly. They mostly went through the rules and got to know their teacher better. Soon enough the class was over and Camila exited the room looking at her schedule. This time around the halls seemed extra full and with people walking to their next class and some just standing in her was Camila felt overwhelmed and decided on heading into the bathroom. Well if she could find it. Camila headed down the crowded hall and made a turn to the left passing a couple of science labs a computer lab a room labled 'wee ones'. She found it a bit weird but continued to walk down the hall until she found the bathroom.

She headed in the bathroom as the loud noises from the hallway faded she took a deep breath and walked toward a stall. Once in the stall she locked the door and leaned against the door "I got this" she told herself as she closed her eyes taking a few more breaths. Seconds later the bell rang startling her. "Shit" she muttered running out of the stall and grabbing her schedule again. English 3 in room G403 was her next class. 'Great' she thought to herself while Walking out of the bathroom. The hall was completely empty and Camila was completely lost. She walked forward passing the room once again then passing the computer lab and science rooms. "Shit shit shit" Camila mumbled looking down at her schedule as she turned the corner looking at the classroom numbers. She stopped in the middle of the hall checking the schedule once more unsure of where to go and sighed "Lost?" A familiar raspy voice asked from behind Camila scaring her half to death.

Camila quickly turned around holding her chest. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" the girl said softly. "It's fine" Camila said looking up at the other girl. "Camila right?" she asked "Yup and your Lauren?" she questioned back. Lauren smiled at her "I am" she said pausing before continuing "Um whats your third period?" Lauren questioned. Camila looked down at the paper in her hand "English" she replied softly "Same what room?" the taller brunett asked "G40-" Camila managed to get out before being cut off by one of thr securities now walking their way "GET TO CLASS LADIES" he yelled getting closer. Camila looked up with a frightened look while Lauren rolled her eyes "She was lost" she replied to the tall man now in front of the girls. "Noted. get to class" he said sternly before walking away. Camila looked scared for her life while lauren was unfazed

She turned to look at the younger girl "Come on" Lauren said bumping her shoulder lightly as she began to walk. Camila took a second then began to walk next to the fellow Cuban. They walked down a long hall then up three flights of stairs.The way there was mostly silent up intill they reached the door. "Just a heads up Mrs.young is a cranky rude and uncultured old woman who will make your life a living hell" the taller brunett told her "Amazing" Camila replied getting increasingly nervouse. Lauren noticed and felt bad for worrying the girl "Just let me do the talking if she says anything kid" She reassured Camila who just nodded. Lauren took that as a sign of her being ready so she open the classroom door and peeked her head in before walking in and holding the door open for Camila. "pfft late of the first day" Mrs.young said with a harsh tone "She was lost" Lauren said as the older woman rolled her eyes. Camila just stood there looking scared. "It's her first day at this school" Lauren added. "Yeah? well whats your excuse?" the woman asked now standing in front of Lauren who was standing in front of Camila like a shield. "You know my excuse." the younger girl told the woman looking her dead in the eyes "So accept it or dont" she continued then motioned for camila to follow her.

Mrs.young looked stunned she just stood there anger now taking over her as the two girls walked passed her and took the two seats in the back cornner. The older woman took a deep breath before turning back to the class "Ladies and gentel men this is my classroom and I will not be disrispected in here so remember that" she yelled "So with that being said Lauren you and your little friend can see me after school for detention" she emphasized as she glared at them. The classroom was now silent and camila could feel all eyes on her so she looked down whild fidgeting with her fingers to distract herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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