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"Dear diary

Actually no let me start over.

Dear journal?

Or Whatever this is I'm writing because my therapist said I should. She said something about if I write what I'm feeling I'll deal with it in a more productive way. So I guess I'll start now...

Um well today is august 15,2020 I start school tomorrow. I'm not exited :/ I'll be a junior in high school so I guess it's good I'm 3/4 of a way done with it. Then again I'm at another new school so yay me? I couldn't care less... my foster mom didn't really speak to me today. She's mad because I wasn't taking my meds,but I just don't see the need for them. She'll get over it eventually. It's not that I don't like this family.. but it's just not home,it's not genuine care for me.. it's more like their job to let me stay here..

I miss my mom...and my grandma and sofi. I wish I was still with them. My life would be so much more different. I wish I could spend just a little time with them. But that won't angry with my father and I'll never see him or forgive him.. as of now he means nothing to me.

Well moving on.. I don't think I'll make friends tomorrow or ever. Maybe I won't even last the whole school year before being taken to another home.. I don't really care it's kind of my life now. I guess I'm done now. I think this is enough writing? Whatever.

Bye? I think? - camila"

Camila's POV

I closed my journal putting it down on my bed and rubbed my eyes. I looked up as my room door flew open. It was my foster sister maya.

"What's that Camilla?" She asked

"It's CAMILA" I said rolling my eyes "and it's a notebook. Don't touch it" I added

"Why not?" She questioned

I looked at her with a serious face "just don't okay.." she was going to say something when she was cut off .

"girls it's time to go eat dinner" my foster mom said grabbing maya's hand. "Come on Camilla" she said with a soft yet dry smile.

"Its camila..and I'm coming" I spoke softly as they walked away. When I heard them far enough I grabbed my journal and hid it between the mattresses. I didn't want anyone to touch it or see what I've written. I grab my phone putting it on the charger then turn off the light and head downstairs to have dinner.

I got downstairs and sat down at the table. I always get the same seat. Mostly because it was the only one empty when I was first placed here four months ago, but also it's farthest from olivia my foster mom. I didn't like her showing me affection like she does to all the other foster kids. She's not my mother and she never will be. I was in deep thought when I heard my name.

It was olivia "So Camilla you exited for tomorrow" she asked looking at me from across the table.

I gave her a short and dry answer "not really" I went back to my food not paying much attention. She didn't ask anymore questions. The rest of dinner went fine we ate then went out separate ways. I was currently in the room I shared with three other girls olivia fostered. They were all talking about the first day tomorrow excitedly. Me on the other hand I didn't care at all.

I was on my phone looking at a pictures of my family when Olivia came in the room telling us it was time for bed. I hate being told when to go to bed. The girls hurried to their beds. I was already in mine. Olivia was going around giving hugs and kisses and saying 'I love you' to each girl. When she got to my bed she gave me a tight hug and a kiss on the side of my head. I cringed at the feeling.

"I love you Camilla" she said looking at me. I didn't like that at all .

"Please don't tell me that again" I said softly as I laid down and turned away from her.

"I-good night girls" she said softly walking to the door. She turned off the light and shut the door leaving us in the quiet room. I wasn't tired but my mind was all over the place. I didn't feel ready for tomorrow so I quickly fell asleep.

Heyy so I started this story and I'm really exited with how it's gonna go so I hope you enjoyed this and there will be more updates soon! 🖤

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