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They say morning is the time when you set the tone for the rest of your day. "Set it right and have a nice day" people say. In Camila's case it was a stressful morning due to the amount of people getting ready and lack of space in the house. She ended up being the last to get in the bathroom.Once she freshened herself up she headed back to her room to picking out a simple outfit. She went for a plain black skater skirt ans a grey top she added her slip on vans and a couple bracelets. As for her hair she wore it down in loose curls.walking over to the mirror she grabbed her small makeup back and began to apply some mascara and a pink gloss to top it off. she isn't the type to wear much makeup. Her grandmother always told her the makeup should enhance your beauty not make you beautiful.

She was snapped out of her thought when she heard a tiny voice call out to her "Mila" her four year old foster sister called out to her.She was standing at the door with a small bear in her hands. Camila turned around and smiled signaling to come over "Hey Tianna" she greeted her as she picked her up and gave her a big hug. Tianna was the youngest of eleven foster kids in the house including Camila. She was also Camila's favorite. The young girl had beautiful chocolate brown skin and big brown eyes. She had a head full of tight curls that Camila adored.Not only was the little girl adorable but had an amazing personality and was smart compared to children her age. She had the ability to brighten a room with just her smile and she always seemed to make Camila feel better.

(This is what Tianna would look like)

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(This is what Tianna would look like)

Camila placed the small child back down and held both of her hands "Did you sleep good?" she asked the small girl receiving an exited nod back "Today i start school!" the younger girl said excitedly "I know! your such a big girl now" Camila said matching the younger girls energy. Just as she finished her sentence there was a knock on the door and their foster mom Olivia walked in "Morning" she said softly. Camila offered her a small smile while Tianna ran up to hug her "Breakfast is on the table" she told the small girl who quickly ran out of the door. If there was anything that girl loved it was her food. Camila let out a small laugh watching how fast the small child reacted to the mention of food. "you ready sweetie?" Olivia asked her getting closer. Camila shrugged. "I guess" she answered but in reality she was nervous as hell.

Olivia placed a hand on her shoulder looking her in the eyes "Look I know we didn't have the best start and I know your still having a hard time dealing with all the changes but I want you to try and make some friends and maybe it could help you with all things going on." Camila just listened to her and gave her a nod "I'm here for you and I want you to know you can come to me if anything is bothering you." Olivia added while Camila answering with a simple "Ok" Camila grabbed her bag and began to head for the door "Oh and Mila.." Olivia said softly "Yeah?'" she questioned looking back at her "You look great" the older woman told her and That caused Camila to smiled looking down at her outfit "Thanks" she said before walking out of the room and downstairs to grab some breakfast.

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