crash into me

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babe heffron !


request: can i get something with
babe? they meet after d-day.

it was safe to say that you might've been quite clumsy. and that meant you were extremely clumsy. it wasn't that you meant to do most of the things you did, you were just always in your own little world. so much so that you were never paying attention. you spaced out, you daydreamed. however, you were an amazing soldier.

it was a hot day in august back in aldbourne. the thought of not knowing when you would be sent back on the line bothered you. everyday felt like your last in a warm bed. you were lucky to have so many astonishing soldiers fighting beside you. even if you weren't sleeping in a bed, you had all of your friends.

as your mind wandered to the idea of having to sleep in a foxhole over the winter, you hadn't noticed the replacement coming your way. the two of you walked quite quickly down a sidewalk towards one another. he seemed to be in his own little world as well. neither of you were paying attention. and that's what caused the collision.

you ran right into the replacement and the two of you had been knocked to the ground. it took you both a second to recover from what happened. you had hit the ground so hard that you felt like you broke your tailbone. nonetheless, the clumsy soldier across from you seemed just fine. he blinked a few times before standing up and offering his hand.

you hesitated before taking his hand. embarrassment shown through your face. he had a soft smile on his face. it felt comforting. so, you grasped his hand a let him pull you to your feet.

"i am so sorry about that." he apologized as he hung his head. you wiped off the dirt from the back of your legs and hands.

"oh don't be! that was my fault. i should've been looking where i was going. i'm just a little ditzy, that's all. i didn't mean to run into you. i'm so sorry. are you okay?" you mentally punched yourself for speaking so much. most people tended to look overwhelmed when you started to speak but he looked up at you with a smile. you fought the urge to shiver.

"um . . . i'm okay. are you? you hit the ground kind of hard."

"i think i'll be alright. are you a replacement?"

he hesitated before answering. "yeah i - yeah i am. babe heffron."

you reached out to shake his hand. his grip was soft and kind. "y/n y/l/n. nice meeting you babe."

"nice running into you."

"definitely. i will hopefully be doing that a lot."

babe seemed to have a burst a confidence because the next thing he said brought the brightest smile to your face. "how would you feel about running into me this saturday? maybe dinner?"

"you know what? that was smooth. does 7:30 work?"

"only if it's with you." the sun shone on his hair, making it look even redder. "where are you headed?"

"the mess hall." you pointed in the direction, hoping he would follow.

"wow, what a small world. that's where i'm headed too."

"well you're headed in the wrong direction." you stated with a laugh as he turned and the two of you began to walk.

"good thing you knocked me down then."

the two of you walked in comfortable silence for a while. as you looked over at babe you realized that if it had been anybody else, you would be so mortified. but he was sweet. he had a great smile. one that could warm anyones heart in a matter of seconds. it sent chills down your spine. his eyes were what reeled you in. they were warm and kind. they were like a great big hug after being gone for so long. like hot chocolate on a snowy day. that's what you decided you loved about babe heffron. his eyes.

he glanced over at you to find that you were already staring. you swiftly looked away. a very dark blush creeped onto your face. you could hear babe let out a musical chuckle.

"you know it unnerves most people when others stare but i think it's adorable."

"i have a feeling that will be happening often." you looked back at him, still blushing. up ahead you could see a few of your friends and it seemed as if babe saw his own friends because his whole entire face lit up.

"with any luck." he held out his hand again. you raised a brow at this but you shook it anyway.

"i'll be seeing you babe."

"and i'll be seeing you." he released your hand before running over to his replacement friends. you stated after him for a second before skip muck called you over.

your eyes never left babe as you approached your friends. you could tell he was talking about you because the three boys surrounding him glanced over with smiles. a smile was sent back. you friends looked at you expectantly.

"who was that?" skip asked, guiding you inside to sit beside george luz.

"oh . . . um, some replacement. we ran into each other. knocked my ass to the ground."

"is he causing problems?" skip asked protectively.

"no, no! he was sweet. it's alright."

skip wiggled his eyebrows, making you laugh. you shoved him slightly. babe crashing into you made your day. you would let it happen a million times over.


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