forever and always

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harry welsh !


request: i would appreciate it if
you could do something fluffy with
harry welsh

you could not believe you had a man like harry welsh. you definitely could not believe he was coming home to you. the love of your life was finally coming home! after years of being away you got to see the one you'd been missing the most. you got to see your other half.

when harry left you, you had a hard time adjusting. the two of you were attached at the hip. everyone knew you were meant for one another. you hadn't ever seen a couple so in love before. you couldn't wait for the day that you could marry harry. it was one of your dreams. so yes, living without him was difficult but you knew one day he'd come home to you and that's all that mattered.

you and harry had sent letters back and forth constantly so you were lucky enough to know some soldiers by name. you had learned to love these men as much as harry did. you knew your boyfriend was a hero. you knew his friends were heroes. you couldn't believe you were apart of his legacy. you were absolutely infatuated with him.

the moment you heard the sound of knuckles against the wooden front door, you catapulted yourself off the couch. it took everything in you to not break down. you hadn't seen harry in years! as you turned the corner you slipped and hit your elbow hard on the floor but you didn't waste anytime. you were back on your feet in seconds. harry knocked on the front door again. he could hear movement inside of the house and he was beginning to wonder if you even lived there anymore. you flung the front door open, nearly hitting him in the face. he cringed slightly as you screamed and tackled him to the ground.

tears were streaming down your face, leaving a trail of happiness behind. harry would be lying if he said he was crying as well. your arms wrapped around his midsection, gripping the back of his jacket. you were afraid the material would rip but that was an issue to focus on in the future. harry's arms wrapped around your shoulders. he couldn't remember the last time he held someone so tightly. neither of you wanted to let go. what you felt . . . you hadn't felt that in so long. a surge of love passed through your body and you were beginning to shake from your sobbing.

harry pulled away from, placing his hands on your cheeks. his thumbs gently wiped away your tears. he had the biggest smile on his face. you tried to stop yourself from crying but you couldn't. you watched him stare at you, you watched him take in every single one of your features. you did the same.

he looked different. he looked tired, worn out. his eyes had seen the horrors of war. he had seen things some should never see. however, his smile replaced all of that. this was still the man you fell in love with. nobody could change that. not even a bullet could eliminate his love for you. nothing ever could.

minutes passed and you had become tired of all the stated. harry seemed to be thinking the same thing because you both leaned in at the same time. it had clearly been a while because your foreheads knocked against each other. both of you dissolved into a fit of giggles. when the laughter died down, you decided to try again.

you placed your hand at the base of his neck, looked him right in the eye, and spoke; "i could never love someone like i love you harry welsh."

harry knew everything would be alright as you kissed him. time seemed to slow and everything seemed to fall back into place. harry was home and he had what he needed most. he had you. he wanted nothing more than to kiss you forever. he wanted to know that you would be there, forever and always.

"i'm so happy to hear you say that because i love you too."


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