pub crawling headcanons

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peep the babies laughing in the back

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peep the babies laughing in the back


george luz, joe liebgott,
chuck grant !


request: pub crawling headcanons
with luz lieb & grant???

•at first it was just you & george luz going to one pub in aldbourne. joe liebgott had overheard the two of you talking about it and asked if he could tag along. of course you & george said joe could come. soon joe had invited chuck grant and you had told him not to invite anybody else

•the four of you had gotten dressed up real nice and used your weekend pass to your advantage

•the first pub was quite boring but you ended up taking one or two shots. the boys chatted quietly. there weren't very many people in the bar. it was calm

•after hanging around that one quite pub for an hour george suggested heading to another pub that some guy had told him about

•you agreed with george and the two other boys decided to follow you to the second pub

•this pub was a little more fun. this time you weren't the only one taking shots. you had a few more shots and were starting to feel a little buzzed. the boys had started drinking as well

•at one point joe went off with some girl and you were left with george & chuck

•the three of you spent some time dancing at this bar. you were quite the giggly drunk but you were especially giggly around george because he was just so funny

•on the way to the third pub chuck bid you two goodbye. he stated he was going to go find floyd talbert & shifty powers. even if you were a little drunk you made him promise to be safe and he swore on everything that he'd try

•and you were back where you started. just you and george

•you got more drunk at this third pub but george decided not to drink as much as you to make sure you didn't end up hurting yourself or doing something you'd regret in the morning

•the third pub got boring after a while so the two of you decided to head back to the area where easy company was being housed

•every couple of minutes the two of you paused to laugh your asses off at something that probably wasn't even remotely funny

•you had begun to stumble and get dizzy two minutes away from your hosts house

•george had ended up slinging his arm around your waist to make sure you didn't fall right onto your face

•your fellow soldiers cracked up at the sight of you both drunk

•george walked you to your house like the gentleman he is. he knocked on your front door and your profusely apologized to your host for waking them up and being drunk

•they insisted that it was alright and thanked george for bringing you home

•you kissed george lightly on the cheek and stated that you'd see him the next day

•he smiled and told you he'd see you

•i love george luz. sorry


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