the sniffles

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carwood lipton !


request: ooo can i request something
soft with either speirs or lipton?

your heart was breaking in your chest at the sight of carwood lipton with pneumonia. you had always been quite tough throughout the war. not many things had brought you to tears. at least not until bill guarnere and joe toye has been hit. after that everything just went downhill very fast. seeing everybody so sad and then lip getting sick was your breaking point.

you had quickly realized your feelings for the ill man during the early stages of your military training. of course you had never told any one about these feelings. you just wished they would go away but they never did. your feelings were stronger than bull randleman himself and that was saying a lot. despite your tough nature, carwood lipton was the only living person that was able to break down your walls. he made you quite shy as well.

as of right now you sat on the edge of the same bench as lip. every once in a while he would sniffle or cough and another crack split right through your heart. lip had tried to persuade you away from him but you refused. he didn't understand why you were hanging onto him like a toddler. however, he didn't mind. he enjoyed having you around.

george luz gave you a knowing look as he tossed a blanket over lip. george had been your best friend since day one at toccoa. the two of you had immediately click. he knew practically every single thing about you. throughout the years he had pieced together your feelings for lip. unbeknownst to you, lip had confessed his feelings to george in aldbourne. he loved you.

"how are you feeling?" you muttered to lip after everyone had finally dispersed from the room. he gazed up at you with a sad look on his face.

"i wish i wasn't sick." lip pouted.

"everybody needs a little rest sometimes. it's just your turn." you cooed. your voice was calming to lip. it was soft and melodic. he could listen to you all day.

lip opened his mouth to speak but he was overcome with sickness once again. his cough bounced off the walls. and your heart shattered. your eyes filled with tears.

"hey, why are you crying?" lip pushed himself up to stare at you. you tried to duck away.

"i'm sorry. i shouldn't be like this. it's unprofessional." you wiped at your cheeks. you brought your hand away from your face, sighing at the sight of dirt and blood.

"what's unprofessional?" lip titled his head. he seemed bewildered. a small part of him was hoping you felt the same.

"uh . . . never mind. i hope you feel better real soon." you tried to move away but lip grabbed your wrist. you turned back to him, tears threatening to spill once more. you placed a hand in his cheek, tracing his scar with your thumb. "i think i should go."

your heart was racing. why wasn't he pulling away? why did he pull you back? the two of you must've sat like that forever.

"please tell me you feel the same way." lip sighed, resting his hand over your own.

"of course i do." and once again the tears dripped down your cheeks.

he reached out and wiped away your tears. you both seemed to forget about the fact that he had pneumonia because when he planted his lips on your own neither of you pulled away. you would get sick a hundred times over if it mean you got to kiss him.

in the end you both had the sniffles so it didn't quite matter, did it?


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