late night bar headcanons

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george luz, bill guarnere,
floyd talbert, bull randleman,
lewis nixon, babe heffron !


request: late night bar headcanons with
guarnere, bull, nixon, george &
whoever else you'd like to add!

bill guarnere

•first to get drunk lbr


•loves to dance no matter what tbh

•when he's drunk him & babe are even more inseparable

•do NOT try to take babe away or bill will start a fight. sorry i don't make the rules

•not a crying type of drunk but is angrier than normal. 100% rage

•might even be angrier than lieb idk

•has deep & meaningful conversations with babe

•this man loves his bestfriend i'm sorry

george luz


•will dance with anybody

•will flirt with anybody

•somehow he never ends up going home with someone because he doesn't want to take advantage of anybody & he doesn't want to be taken advantage of

•like wait until ur sober for that shit

•(consent is key)

•he's very respectful

•like "oh this is ur girl (or guy)? sorry i'll back off"

•cracks many jokes

•very talkative very fun

•and we LOVE that about him

bull randleman

•the responsible one


•"why do u feel the need to impulsively shave ur head. sit down & chill with the drinks."

•takes a lot to get him drunk (he's a big guy)

•he does love a drink tho

•but even if he's a little tipsy or drunk he still tries to keep everybody in line

•especially the replacements

•the replacements are his children

•but if momma lip is around then bull dgaf


•but is still responsible

lewis nixon

•is always drunk

•doesn't feel a thing

•exclusively drinks vat 69

•he's either depressed & angry or happy & smiley

•(bro my HeArT)

•he watches all the chaos happen from afar

•informs bull if anything goes a little too far

•"malarkey & skip are dangling penkala off the roof, bull. you should go check on that."

•he's the supervisor that doesn't need to lift a finger to get order

•nix walks in the room and everybody salutes or invites him to drink

•"HeY CaPtAiN nIxOn! WoUlD yOu LiKe A dRiNk?"

•drags harry welsh along with him

•dick doesn't come (he's a sensitive soft souled angel quaker)

floyd talbert

•if u think george is crazy flirty then u haven't seen tab

•will steal ur girl (or mans)

•yk steak my girl by one direction

•"everybody wanna steal my girl"

•yeah tab is that everybody

•has gotten knocked out plenty of times for flirting or dancing w someone he shouldn't have been flirting or dancing w

•however most times he apologizes profusely

•never fights back because oops what isn't mine isn't mine

•also is in the mindset of "but they were flirting back & they were dancing with me so i'm not the only one in the wrong"

•anyways he's cute so 🤷‍♀️

babe heffron

•he cries

•he's the one crying in the corner

•attached to bill (like i said before)

•might cry about gene & how cute he is

•(i mean same)

•bill has these deep meaningful convos with babe & babe cries more

•what did he do to deserve someone as amazing as bill

•(i would cry too tf)

•lots of over exaggerated emotions

•cries a lot, laughs a lot, gets a little too excited

•absolutely does NOT appreciate it when people try to fight bill

•he gets angry & then he cries

•honestly he's stressed and same


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