once in a lifetime

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joe liebgott !


request: i was thinking something that's
heartbreaking, like a war scene, and the two
keep each other company while they panic or
like grieve!

suddenly you could feel everything begin to fade away. it wasn't like your life was fading away, it was like your whole body had become numb. you saw some of your best moments in life flash before your eyes. you saw the love of your life sitting next to you with children playing in the yard. you knew that wasn't real but you wanted it be. and at this point you didn't know if it would happen.

blood was seeping out of a gunshot wound in your abdomen and onto the stark white snow beneath you. it tore through your skin like a lion trying to get to it's food. suddenly you could feel again and the pain you felt was unimaginable. you could hear someone calling for a medic. almost immediately eugene roe was leaning over you, telling you to hold on and that everything would be okay. he was trying his hardest to get the bleeding to stop. his hands pressed down on the gunshot wound.

your mind was racing. where was joe? you hoped he was no where near. you hoped he wouldn't see you like this. you could hear distant yelling. it sounded as if someone was being detained. moments later you could hear footsteps running towards you, crunching through the snow, but all you could see was the blurry sky through your tears. you didn't even want to try and look around.

"holy shit!" joe dropped onto his knees beside you. he pulled you into his arms and cradled you. eugene was still trying his hardest to stop you from bleeding you. joe was shaking so violently. "oh god, oh god."

"joey . . ." you could barely breathe. you were trying your hardest to hold on. you needed to hold on for him. he was all that mattered now. "i'm gonna be okay . . . it's okay."

all you wanted was to return to san francisco. you wanted to return to your job. you wanted to move in with joe. you wanted to have a bunch of little liebgotts. you wanted to spend your life with joe. you wanted to know that there was a future for you. you needed something to hold onto.

joes tears were falling onto your face and in some odd way they brought you comfort. you knew that it would be alright. yesterday was just a distant memory and tomorrow was in the near future. somehow you would make it out of this war alive. somehow, someway . . .

"eugene! she's still fucking bleeding!" joe yelled through his tears. he couldn't live a life without you. it's just wasn't possible.

"i know! we need to get her out of here!" eugene stated. joe gave eugene an incredulous look. carting you off meant that you might've still had a chance of surviving. you had already lost so much blood. it would've been a miracle if you could get somewhere without bleeding out.

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