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eugene roe !

fluff & angst

request: I was wondering if you could do
a Eugene Roe imagine where he gets a french
medical assistant that is small and shy and
has trouble with English. So hearing Gene's
accent with certain things, Ex: sizzuhs, makes
it difficult for her to understand. So Roe has to
explain things to her most of the time. She follows
Doc around like a lost puppy most of the time
and is terrified of the other men. Especially
men like Toye and Liebgott because of how
tough they are. So whenever the guys come
around she hides close to Eugene. He begins
to like her and stuff

being involved in the war was never ideal to you. however after fleeing from france to america in may of 1941, you thought you would be safe. you knew that you wanted to help people but you didn't know how. becoming a medical assistant wasn't your brightest idea but it would have to do. you were surprised that they even let you in the military. helping american soldiers would be your calling. you knew it was what you had to do.

when you arrived in georgia it was clear that you were the only female in your company. that terrified you. however, you didn't have much time to fret because you were almost immediately introduced to the medic that you would be assisting. now he made you feel a little less terrified. and he had nothing against you being female. he was actually very kind.

you had followed a man into the "medic building" when you first arrived at camp toccoa. inside was a very pale man with incredibly dark hair. once he saw you, he stopped what he was doing and stood to greet you. you were intimidated at first because of how tall he was. he towered over you. you timidly stretched your hand out to shake his.

"doc, this is your new medical assistant." the man that escorted you to the "medic building" stated. you thought he had a very funny accent. when you asked him about it, he said he was from philadelphia. you didn't have a clue where that was but you also didn't catch the mans name.

"thank you." doc said to the funny accent man. the two of you watched your escort leave before doc turned to you. "my name is eugene."


"nice to meet ya. what do you think of guarnere?"

"huh?" you looked at eugene with a dumbfounded expression.

"guarnere . . ." eugene motioned to the shrinking figure of the funny accent man.

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