Chapter 33 - Maknae Talk

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Third Person POV

"Haha!! You what?!"

The boys are back at the dorms because they have a recording schedule the next day so they are in their rooms, getting ready to sleep. But not before they share their stories from that day, funny conversations, interesting facts and especially embarrassing moments.

"I know! I know, it's weird-" Shuyang started, trying to explain himself but Mingruis laugh was drowning him out.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I lIkE fOoD!!" Mingrui mimicked the maknae before laughing even more.

The boy being teased was hiding his face in his pillow as the embarrassment hit him hard. He couldn't think of any excuses to help him get out of that situation with Aira and he had contemplated on telling the truth, resulting in him starting to say "I like" but then chickening out and blurting out "food."

"I didn't know what to say!" Shuyang whined, trying to make his ge realise that he didn't want to say that but it was no use. Mingrui was already having too much fun in Shuyangs embarrassment.

"I like food..." Mingrui trailed off, wiping away his tears from his eyes, "Legendary moment though, Shuyang. You should've just told her you like her then you wouldn't be in this situation."

"But what if she doesn't like me back and I made everything awkward between us and we wouldn't be friends anymore?!" Shuyang rambled on about the worse outcome his sudden confession could've made.

"But it would be a bit better than blurting out "I like food" and then proceeding on stuffing your face with hotpot and rice but then realising that it was too hot and choking making Aira slap your back to help you and leaving the place on that last note and STILL be friends with her, meaning that you will see her again." Mingrui told him, listing the things that did happen to the boy.

Shuyang groaned in annoyance, falling backwards onto his bed, regretting his choices from earlier that day.

"Then what did you do today that is probably better than what happened to me?" Shuyang asks Mingrui, wanting to change the topic.

"Oh, nothing...." Mingrui trailed off, thinking about the highlight of his day next to Shuyangs embarrassment.

It was hard to explain what happened because the best part of it all was how Mingrui overthought and analysed everything that he came to an important conclusion that may or may not be true.

"Of course it's nothing, ge!" Shuyang said in a sarcastic tone, "It's not like you started to blush and go into a flashback of what happened, remembering everything single detail about your moment with Gyuri jie."

Okay, so maybe Shuyang could understand how Mingruis mind worked. So Mingrui could explain his amazing experience with the maknae.

"Okay, so..." Mingrui started, getting really excited to tell his story to someone who might actually understand.

"...I said I would not do it because people might see," Gyuri was saying to Mingrui, who was listening intently to her story, "But then Jianne Jie made me laugh so hard and took a picture so I unintentionally did it anyway."

"You're meme-y like me!" Mingrui said excitedly.

"You actually got me into memes, you and the rest of the boys." Gyuri told him, "When I was first stanning you, I saw your memes and you were immediately my bias."

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