Chapter 40 - GenZ 427

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Third Person POV

With a few days left before the girls fly to China, the 12 of them decided to call with each other to catch up on what they've been doing.

"I went on my phone..." Aira states casually, implying that she did nothing else in those 4 months since they last saw each other but to be honest... Same.

"I like how we're all not shocked by that. Now that's peak GenZ behaviour right there." Gyuri says, her voice not as loud as usual because the twins were asleep and she didn't want to wake them up.

"We should just be called 'GenZ' then." Shuyang suggests, Zeyu nodding his head beside him.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that we don't really have an official-ish name for our groups of friends. Our group chat is literally called 'Some peeps ㄴㅇㄴ'" Jianne spoke up, reminding them of their first and only group chat name.

"But that's simple and... Chill..." Mingrui defends the name he thought of for the group although he personally also finds the name a bit hard to refer to in front of others.

"Then we should just be called 'GenZ'." Xinlong says, going for a simple name.

"But that's TOO vague. It should have a meaning relating to the 12 of us." Hanyu turns to the boy beside him.

There was a silence while everyone tries to think of an official-looking name for their group of friends. It seemed like no one could make it themselves so they decided to all brainstorm together.

"What type of things do people have in group names?" Xinya starts of the brainstorming so a chain of thoughts can follow.

"Letters." Jianne joked, making Xinya put on her iconic 'when-Jianne-makes-a-bad-joke-or-is-sarcastic' face.

"Numbers!" Ari contributes a helpful answer, taking Xinyas attention off of her annoying best friend.

"What kind of numbers can relate to us?" Yanna asks everyone and herself to continue the brainstorming chain.

"12?" Zihao says, thinking of the simple number.

"GenZ 12? That sounds like something like Area 51." Aira says before trying to think some more.

"Our birth years!" Zeyu exclaimed excitedly, kind of scaring Shuyang beside him, "Since GenZ is all about the years so we can do something about ours."

"That's a good idea! Like... The range between the oldest and the youngest." Xinlong suggests, clapping his hands in excitement.

"2004 - 2007 sounds too long though..." Yanna says, trying to expand on Xinlongs idea, "How about 4-7?"

"It should be spelt coolly too so let's just replace the hypen to the number 2 since it sounds the same when you say it out loud." Hanyu finishs off, satisfied at their teamwork.

"Okay so our new group name is 'GenZ 427'" Ari concludes, taking out her phone to change the group chat name.

"Aww, but I liked 'Some peeps ㄴㅇㄴ" Mingrui sulked, sad that his group name they've been using for almost a year will be replaced.

"It's okay, GouGou, we'll always remember that the original name was 'Some peeps ㄴㅇㄴ'" Gyuri tried to comfort him through the screen and hearing the girls voice made Mingrui smile immediately.

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