Chapter 44 - The Storm (Pt. 2)

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Third Person POV

"I'm sorry, Zeyu. I didn't mean this to happen. Please, talk to me!" Jianne pleaded with him, chasing after him as he stormed away.

"What do you want to talk about? You didn't seem like you wanted to talk before?" ZEYU finally burst, not wanting to reveal his anger but fails.

"I didnt know what to do!" Jianne tried to explain but Zeyu didn't understand why she chose the decision the chose.



"Hey, Zeyu." Jianne tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Oh, hi Jianne. I already left my guitar down at the place before we went to Xinyas house." Zeyu turned around and told her until he realised she looked distressed, "What's wrong?"

"Umm... I need to talk to you about something..." She hesitantly said, fidgeting with her hands and not making eye contact.

"Okay...? What is it?" He asks, not knowing what made her act like that, "Are you sure you're okay?"

It took a while for Jianne to word her sentences in a way that doesn't make Zeyu mad but she couldn't get those words out of her mouth.

"You should sit down, Jianne. You look very pale." Zeyu worried about her, putting an arm around her for support and bringing her over to the nearby bench, "Take deep breaths."

Jianne shakes her head, trying to shake away the nervousness and worry that she had so she can come clean. Zeyu worrying about her made it harder.

"Maybe... Maybe... You should reschedule your confession to Xinya...." Jianne managed to say but Zeyu still didn't get it.

"Why? Did something happen?" He asked, his worry seemingly switched from Jianne to Xinya in a second.

"No, I.. Just don't think this is the right time..." Jianne tried to explain further but didnt know how to.

"But I thought I saw you bring Xinya to the place so I was just about to go there." Zeyu questions, "Maybe you should wait here until you feel better and I'll go." He stands up and walks over to the place but Jianne jumps up from the bench to stop Zeyu from going.

"Wait- Zeyu, stop!" She calls out, getting desperate to stop him.

"Jianne, stay back there. You'll feel even worse if you move around. Just rest, I'll be back." He insists on Jianne sitting down but she didn't listen.

"Please!" Jianne calls out one last time but it was too late, he was already there.


"So you were planning to tell us last minute?" Zeyu questions but after seeing her facial expression, he realised, "Oh, I meant to say that you were only planning to tell ME last minute."

"I'm sorry..." Jianne mumbles, not being able to defend herself because thinks she's in the wrong.

"You knew about Xinlongs confession, didn't you? And you helped him get Xinya there. That's why you didn't want me to confess? Or am I wrong?" Zeyu burst out, not being able to control his emotions, "You even agreed to help ME. ME! Do my feeling not count?"

"I didn't want you to get hurt." Jianne said, fighting to hold her tears in, "I couldn't refuse to help you in the first place. And... Even if you did confess... Xinya likes Xinlong..."

"So you brought my hopes up even though you knew I'd get rejected?" Zeyu didn't want to be angry at Jianne but he ended up being unreasonable and couldn't see the 2 sides of the story.

"I did it so I wouldn't crush your dreams right when they just started!" Jianne finally burst out, getting tired of Zeyu not letting her explain. She knew he's react like this but she needed to explain the full situation.

"But my dreams still got crushed, didn't they?" He retorted, a bit surprised at her sudden outburst.

"At least that's better than seeing Xinlong and Xinya together when you don't know anything at all!" She kept trying to tell him but it didn't seem like her words got through to him.

"So what other things have you been keeping from me?" Zeyu said after a pause, "Why else did you decide to tell me last minute?"

Jianne didn't have a response for that because if she did, she'd have to reveal her crush for him and that wouldn't make things better. But she didn't have to say it because Zeyu guessed it himself.

"Is it because... You like me?" Zeyu guesses from her silence. He doesn't know why his heart started beating faster at the mention of that so Zeyu tried to brush it off but that just clouded his thinking, making him say things he didn't mean.

"But I didn't tell you because of that! I did it so you wouldn't get hurt!" Jianne tried to reason with him, telling the truth.

"Or is it that you didn't want me to hate you?" Zeyu suddenly burst out, surprised that he said that himself, "You wanted me for yourself so you wanted to break the news to me in a way that didn't make me hate you after."

"NO! I ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT THAT'S NOT THE REASON!" Jianne began shouting, getting annoying that Zeyu was letting his anger get to him too much and is blocking out what she was trying to say.

"ARE YOU SURE? IF IT WASN'T I WOULD'VE KNOWN ABOUT THIS BEFORE AND HAD TIME TO PROCESS EVERYTHING!" Zeyu also started shouting, trying to stop himself from saying this he didn't mean but tor some reason he wasn't able to control his words.


"BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT TELLING ME PROPERLY! I CANT NOT BRUSH OFF THE FACT THAT YOU COULD'VE JUST WANTED A CHANCE WITH ME SO YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!" Zeyu interrupted Jianne, both of them taking a break from shouting to catch their breaths, "If that's the case... I don't know what to say... You're just... Just a typical... Typical-"

"-Fangirl. I know, I'm just a typical fangirl who likes you and feels bothered that her crush is confessing to my best friend." Jianne gives in, accepting her defeat, "But at least I did tell you in the end. I tried to tell you before but you went ahead and saw that yourself. I WAS going to let you find out yourself so you wouldn't think I was a crazy fangirl who wanted you for yourself but that would've hurt you, Xinlong and Xinya if everyone found out. I'm trying to tell you now that I didn't want to make you this angry but your letting your anger cloud your thinking so I'm not going to even try anymore."

Jianne turns around and walks away toward another place only she knows about in the walking area so she can let out her emotions alone, without any of the others finding her. Only then, after Jiannes confrontation, Zeyus anger faded and he realised what he had done.

"Wait, Jianne, WAIT!" Zeyu tried calling out to her, running up to her and grabbing her arm to hold her back, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Jianne, I didn't mean that-"

"I know you didn't, Zeyu. But I already know that I'm just a typical fangirl."


A/n: it takes so long to write these cringey chapters. I keep stopping in between because of the cringe. Why do I even write these? 😂


Word count: 1256

Typical Fangirl (Zeyu ff) Boy Story Where stories live. Discover now