Chapter 5 - New friend

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Jianne POV

We are now here at the shops and Gyuri and Xinya are going into every shop they see. Yanna bought everything she wants and I bought what I need.

XianHua saw one of his friends and is talking with him right now.

Me and Yanna are waiting outside the shop on a bench, hoping to eat some food.

"Ate, do you think we can get something to eat while waiting for them?" I asked Yanna.

"Should we?" She turned to me.

We both looked around and decided to go to the nearest cafe to get drinks and a snack.

"What should we get?" Yanna asked, looking at the choices.

"Something we can finish and hide easily from them." I answered.

"I'll order." Yanna offers, walking up to the counter.

I sit down at a table and go on my phone while waiting for Yanna to finish ordering.

I suddenly hear a girls voice echoing throughout the cafe.

"Ge! I'll get our usual table!" She says and turns to me, "Oh!"

I stood up quickly, realising I took her table.

"Sorry! You can sit here!" I told her, getting my things and getting ready to go to another table.

"No! It's ok! We can sit somewhere else." She kindly rejected.

"Come on! Sit down! It's your table." I said, gently pushing her over.

"Fine then. Let's both sit there. There's 4 seats anyway!" She comprimised.

I look at Yanna who heard us from over there and she nods in agreement.

So I agree and we both take a seat in front of each other.

"My name's Aira!" The girl said, reaching her hand out.

"I'm Jianne." I say, shaking her hand.

"So, what brings you here?" She suddenly asks, trying to start a conversation.

"Me and my friends are staying in one of their houses for a... Fanmeet." I reply, hesistating about mentioning the fanmeet.

"Is it the Boy Story one?" She asks, surprising me.

"Yes actually. Are you going?"

"I am! I'm a big fan of them!"

"Me and My friends are too!"

Yanna comes over to us with our drinks in her hands.

"Salamat Ate!" I say as she takes the seat beside me.

"So, who's this?" She asks while sorting out her bag.

"Oh! I'm Aira!" She introduces, reaching for a handshake as well.

"I'm Yanna!" Ate says, shaking hands with her.

"Is she one of the friends you were talking about?" Aira asks.

"What do you mean?" Yanna asks, confused.

"Yes she is." I told Aira, "We were talking about the fanmeet tomorrow."

"Oh! Is she a BOSS too?"

"Yes I am!" Aira says.

"Oh, by the way... HOW OLD ARE YOU!?" I suddenly start singing because of my really bad song puns.

Typical Fangirl (Zeyu ff) Boy Story Where stories live. Discover now