Chapter 47 - Back to China

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Third Person POV


Thankfully, the girls were able to convince their parents to let them miss a week of school and work to go to China again. They were all really excited that they forgot to tell the boys. Aira was the most excited out of all of them that she wanted to hide it from BOY STORY and surprise them at the fanmeet.

"I just don't know why we can't get our own hotel room!" Xinya was still complaining after the flight even though they had already discussed this.

"We used a lot of our money for this trip so we need to save the rest for the future. And staying at XianHua's place isn't that bad now that it is big enough to fit us." Yanna tried reasoning with her again, reminding her of the pros of staying their rather than focusing on the cons.

"Yeah... I guess so..." Xinya gave in once again now that she remembers how big XianHua's place was now that he was a well-paid producer thanks to the collaboration with Jackson Wang a few years ago.

The 5 girls get their luggage and walk over to the exit, trying to find Xinyas 25 year old brother in the crowd. It wasn't that hard as the tall, awkward boy standing at the side of the crowd with headphones on stood out to them.

"Broooooo!" Xinya exclaimed, running up to him and actually initiating a hug for the first time as the other times they hugged, their parents forced them to. She hasn't seen him in 3-4 years since they couldn't go to China and he was only able to visit Philippines once.

"WOAH, this is weird. Are you sure you're the Xinya I know?" Xianhua joked but hugged his sister back, happy to see her again after a long time.

"Aww, cute sibling bonding time!" The other 4 girls teased, knowing that Xinya and Xianhua hate to be called "cute" sibling goals or something like that.

While they caught up on what has been happening over the years, Xianhua drove them over to his new(ish) house. They've only seen it in pictures and video calls so when they stepped out of the car, they were all amazed at how big the house actually was. The exterior design of the house seemed very aesthetic and once they went inside, the interior design blew them away.

"Ge, do you really live here?" Xinya questioned while she was still admiring the entrance.

"Are you implying that I broke in?" Xianhua joked around, setting some of the girls luggage down into the living room, "Yes, I do live here with 2 of my friends but for this week I managed to convince them to stay with another friend so you can be comfortable."

"Aww, that's so sweet! You actually care about your baby sister!" Ari continued to tease the siblings as it was a rare occasion.

"Ate! There's no need!" Xinya complains even though she was touched that her brother actually did show that he cares, especially now when he carried her suitcase for her and she is the one who brings the most stuff on trips.

"Wow! This place looks so cool!" Gyuri shouts loudly, her voice echoing through the empty halls and rooms, making her even more amazed.

"Here, let me show you the rooms." Xianhua offered, gesturing for them to follow him up the stairs, "You all almost can have a room each of you wish, just 2 people would have to share, because there are 4 guest rooms."

"This place really is huge!" Jianne exclaims, realising that his 2 other roommates have their own rooms as well as his own, totaling to 7 bedrooms total.

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