Chapter 48 - Remembering

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Third Person POV


Aira was currently shouting at Shuyang when she got back to their dorm, aggressively slapping him while covering his mouth to make him shut up.

"I can't help it, Aira! This is BIG News!" Shuyang started whispering but still being a bit loud as he couldn't contain his excitement and shock.

"Well, you weren't even supposed to find out right now so don't say a word about it, okay?" Aira half-threatened him, slowly doing the gesture of zipping your lips, making Shuyang do the same.

"But..." Shuyang started again, "Are the girls really here? You're not playing with me?"

"Of course, you dummy! I can't get 5 people who look exactly like them. You saw them with your own eyes as well." Aira said, still worried that he would suddenly blurt it out to the others.

"Okay, okay, just checking. No need to be agressive." Shuyang tries to calm her down as it was normal for Aira to get agressive sometimes.

Aira lets go of Shuyangs arm and sits down on the seat near his desk, wondering how to keep Shuyangs mouth shut for sure. She couldn't trust him with secrets that well because last time she did, he accidently told everyone... And by everyone I mean EVERYONE.

"I thought it was such a coincidence that Jianne Jie ran into him though. And to think that she also became a fan of him." Shuyang mentions again, still surprised about what he found out, "We just happened to be meeting them today at the SAME park. What a small world..."

Aira just sighs when being reminded about how her plan didn't work out as well as she thought it would. She was glad that it was Shuyang who found them first and not the others because that would've ruined the surprise for them. Shuyang must've noticed how Aira was actually worried about how her plan might fail so he sat beside her to comfort her.

"Aira, it's gonna be okay. I'll help you with your plan, it's better to have 2 people on it then being by yourself, am I right?" Shuyang puts his arm around her shoulder, "I promise I'll keep the secret this time. You shouldn't base every tiny off of one incident. The only reason I couldn't keep the last secret was because I was young and immature..."

"Are you sure about that?" Aira looks at him in disbelief, an eyebrow raised as she knows that there was another reason for his actions.

"I COULDN'T HELP IT! IT WAS TOO FUNNY!" Shuyang starts to laugh by just remembering the incident that happened a few years ago.

"It was going okay telling everyone that I felt sick that week and that I was cold." Aira brought up the arguments she used before as well, still salty about that time.

"It was summer though! The Ge's thought it was weird anyway!"

"At least it was better than them laughing at me!"

"Then why did you cut your hair so short?"

"I didn't mean it to be THAT short!"

"It's not my fault that you looked like Dora!"

"Do NOT bring that up again! You promised!"

"I'm sorry! That was the last time!" Shuyang ended the mini argument by hugging Aira to stop her from playfully hitting him again. He always used this tactic to calm her down and it worked once again, Aira getting flustered for the 100th time by him.

"Okay, okay, sorry for bringing it up again." Aira pats his back, hugging him back while resting her chin on his shoulder.

Without warning, the door suddenly burst open, making Shuyang and Aira push each other away and awkwardly state at the floor or their hands.

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