30: Sex = Money

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Months later.

Chief Olawale was seated on his private cushion with Bolanle and Ayo respectively in a 7 seater Living room in their house in Maitama.
Chief Olawale turned his attention to Ayo while they all gathered to have a family meeting.

"Remember the son of whom you are, make sure you study well, soon i will come visit you....

Ayo nodded his head to concur to what his Father had just said.

His mother Bolanle also added to his words;
"Remember you are my only son, take it easy son and be careful of those oyinbo girls" They all burst into laughter.

Ayo was leaving for the states to further his studies, to get a master degree in his law profession. With this huge milestone about to be taken to make him to be so happy but opposite was the case for Ayo.
He didn't want to leave Nigeria because of Simone, he tried to reach her through her cell phone even through social media platforms but to no avail.

Ayo couldn't explain his feeling for Simone, A feeling he had never had with another, after being on various adventure with couple of girls. Just some couple of days with her and he has been put in a state of love.

Behind closed doors, Ayo had approached his mum to tell her about Simone.

"Mum, mo ni fe omobinrin yen gan oo" he said in their dialect.

Bolanle looked at him and giggled, "That is love, it's a feeling that the heart cannot fight.

"But mum i am thinking of ending the journey", Ayo said to his mum.

"You can't ruin all your Father's plan Ayo!" Bolanle said as she stared at him sternly.

"You just told me that Love is a feeling the heart cannot fight.

"That's true" Bolanle replied, she stood up and bolt her door which was ajar to avoid breach of privacy.

"Let me tell you sir", She said jokingly to her son.

"Sometimes we have to make sacrifices, if it was love i won't have ended up with Olawale".

"So mum why did you marry Dad then" Ayo asked.

"I guess sometimes the head gets over the heart" Bolanle said faintly.

She never willed to marry Olawale, he was the second man that proposed to her next to Tunbosun, even if Bolanle was deeply in love of Tunbosun. She had to go for Olawale, since he his the one that could offer her everything marriage entails, this had happened couple of decades ago.

Little tears were already forming on the edge of Bolanle's eyes,
Ayo immediately changed the topic of discussion after sensing his mom's sudden bewilderment.

" Mum should we go shopping? He asked her to suit her mood.

"Tell Soji to prepare the Limo at least let's go for a party and shopping spree before your journey tomorrow", Bolanle said.

"And tell me have you informed Deborah of your trip".

"Mum please don't go there, i will probably text her ".

"Whether you like it or not, you are getting married to her, not that Omo Mola you are being infactuated with " Bolanle said.

"Mum don't bring this at all, "Dont disturb me" Ayo said to her as he walked out to inform Soji of what his mom had said.

Bolanle mimcked him for a while and said in her dialect "O ma fe, ko de si nnkankan ti o maa se".


Simone and Yusuf along with her Hamza were eating on the dinning table, ehen Fransesca walked in.

"How are you doing today" Fransesca asked.

"We are fine oo, Thank you for the hospitality ma".

"No mention" Fransesca replied. She then walked away, but soon she turn backwards,

"Simone when you are done eating, please see me in my room.

"Okay ma" She replied. Fransesca then walked into her room.

As Simone and Yusuf came to a conclusion with their meal, she placed little Hamza in his arms, "Tafi daki" She ordered Yusuf to go to the room.

Simone then walked over to Fransesca's room who then opened the door for her.
Fransesca then ordered her to sit by her side.

"I am going to be very precise and straightforward" Fransesca said.

"So how old are you Simone"?

"I am 25 years ma"

"With all what you have told me i see you have been through a lot. I see that you are a nice girl, loving and very humble, the way you are suffering is what is a concern to me, so i want to teach you how to fish and not to fish for you. Can i go ahead?

"Yes ma".

Simone replied impatiently, at least she  gave Fransesca a benefit of doubt, ever ready to go with whatever she said as long as its for the betterment of her life.

"Well you might wonder the job i do, i was like you suffering, until i joined this bussiness, it's not up to a month till i moved into this apartment. I was actually living by the market side in one of the "Face me and Face you" apartment around the corner.
You know this country where there is unemployment, corruption , Social malaise all these is a deep problem, any one you see in in a top position in this country has either compromised in one way or the other.
The business i do is what we know as Asewo (prostitution) its a way we get to collect our money back from the government.......

Simone was mouth filled that she didn't know when she hummed out in surprise.

"Yes My dear, you are beautiful it will be very easy for you to succeed in this business, so think about it"

Simone stared at Fransesca for a while and later she spoke up.
"As far as it will bring money to me and i will be able to feed my son and Yusuf, i am ready to do it.

Fransesca nodded her head faintly and then tapped her on the arm.
"Don't be afraid, you will soon see that is for your own benefit, now go get dressed you will be following me to the club this night.

"Ok ma" Simone replied as she hurriedly left to dress-up.

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