25 : Still birth 2

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"Woman, you think you can just leave my house like that" Alhaji said to Susan who at this point was packing out her luggages.

"Alhaji leave me alone, the reason we could have been both married is dead, ever since you brought that lady into this house. And the baby boy you wanted me to born for you is dead."
"You killed our child"! Susan said as she burst into tears.
Alhaji went behind to cuddle her.
"Susan did everything possible to loose from his grip but she couldn't.
        Alhaji comforted her with soothing words and promised her that such will never happen again.
   His family members, organised an emergency meeting to address the issue, even if they didn't like the fact that Susan was another tribe, they couldn't compromise the fact what Alhaji Usman did was absolutely wrong.

"I am very sorry brother", Alhaji said to his brother Alfa Ali in a prostrate position.
"I am so surprised, Our parents didn't train us this way, "Daga ina kuka koya wannan? He asked with a frown on his face.
Alhaji just kept pleading in the sight of the family elders. He then stood up to his feet and handed two heavy brown envelopes containing money to Alfa Ali and the family head respectively, that immediately changed the tone of their voice to be more tender..... Money answereth all things!

Alhaji had took Susan to almost all the stores in the city, and even made love to her that night all to make up for what he had done, he even had told Cynthia to relocate to one of his 5 bedroom mansion in Jabi, pending till when things had been sorted out.
"I told Alhaji, not to take me to your house.".
Cynthia said in sympathy through a phone call.

"Lets us just forget about all that and focus on the future, just update me on whatever you need babe" Alhaji said.
They both ended the call by exchanging love pleasantries. At least his religion permitted him to marry as many as he could and not to oppress one at the expense of the other.

Tana village.

Yakubu had ordered for a secret meeting with some of the Chiefs in his inner chamber, he made sure that the ones that seek his interest only were the only one present.
"Chief Mubarak and Chief Danjuma, i welcome you this meeting at sunset".

"Yakubu, what is the reason behind this urgent call, Chief Danjuma asked.

"You both ensured my rule here, even if i was deemed ineligible because my partial castration status.
"There's nothing that makes you ineligible, we still had that you were able to still make love to a woman, Chief Mubarak said in response, and they all burst into laughter.

Yakubu fumed in a grin for a while, and said.
"That's the news, Gaburu keeps spreading this false news about me.
Chief Mubarak laughed, is that what bothers our head Chief? Chief Danjuma said. Yakubu nod his head in reply.
  "Leave it for us" Chief Danjuma said. The three of them started to grin out loudly.
"And Nashiru too," Yakubu said.
        He then handed huge amount of money into their hands,and the began to salute him endlessly. All the money he had gotten from fraud while he escaped was the same he used to buy his way to power.

Somewhere in Utako.
Nashiru had just finished a sex parody with a bystander he picked up from the road who was a prostitute.

"How much do you charge per night? He asked bodly. Agatha that was a little bit embarrassed kept silent for a while. He then repeated the same question and she said 20k
"Omo forget it 20k too much oo,  5k last not as if you even get front or back, he said in pidgin English.
Agatha couldn't deny the offer, she had walked all day, but no responsible person had shown interest in her,  the only category of people that showed interest in her were only street thugs who ended up paying her nothing less than five hundred naira.

"Ok oga, find someplace we can go to" Agatha said.
"Okay" let me drive to this motel nearby, there were driving on Utako street and had decided to lodge in the Motel Nashiru said.

Nashiru had thrusted the hell out of her body that she had no strength left in her,
"Oga give my money she said with tears drooling From her eyes.
Nashiru  was just laughing at her madly. "I thought you were a prostitute, he then threw the five thousand naira on the bed and walked out.

Somewhere in Gwarinpa.
In Motunrayo Whoredom base, tons of ladies where seated in the living room, all of them discussing the outcome of their sales.
All the girls were listening to  Cynthia talk.

"I have a five bedroom and a Range to myself, and the sum of  Thirty million naira.
All the girls roared in thunderous ovation.
Everyone was happy for her, she was the most successful by far. Even for the fact that she only made it to the group not to long ago.
   Even Natasha that introduced ber to the clique was  somehow envious of her, Since the spotlight was now on her.
the girls continued to pass a pillow to one another, till it was time for Agatha to speak.
   "I met a Minister of the federal republic of Nigeria today, everyone screamed in surprise, they all began to pull close to her, to hear more of the gist.
  What will happen if they discovered she do touts? It will be a great embarrassment to her. So she had no option than to fabricate lies.
As they all concluded their testimonial session, they were now called to the dining room to eat. As they all passed by, Tajide waited behind and grabbed Cynthia by the arm, "He started kissing her forcefully",  leaving Cynthia no option, than to kick him in the groin.
"Mr Tajide screamed and left immediately for the bathroom.
"You this girl i will get you".
Carolyn immediately came to his rescue,in the bathroom, He immediately shut the door and bend her over and began to thrust her till she became restless.

Simone had been pale for the past weeks, she had refused to eat, and had even puked up any food intake.
Alhaji Jamil decided to take her for a test.
It was very obvious that she was pregnant and Alhaji Jamil was responsible, since he is the only one she has being having sex with. No single night passes by that he doesn't sneak to her room.

"You are 3weeks pregnant, madam congratulations" The doctor said to Simone who was seated close to each other, they both stare at each other in anxiety and fear, what will they do? How will they explain to Zainab? all these crossed their thoughts as they sat on their seats.

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