𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲

801 55 8

"Dad?" Xiao Zhan looks at his father who was lying asleep on the bed. He let's out a sigh of relief. "Father." Yibo goes up to Xiao Zhan's dad and moves him a little bit no response. "He's probably in a deep sleep let's leave him alone." Right when Xiao Zhan was about to exit  Yibo let's out a loud scream. "Ahh!!!!" He fell to the floor trembling in fear. "What wrong!?" Xiao Zhan immediately rushes to Yibo's side worried. Yibo points to his father. Xiao Zhan gets up and looks at his dad. He widens his eyes as tears filled up.

"Father!!" He runs to his dad's lifeless body. "What did you?!" His dad had slut both of his wrist and was now dead. "Father wake up! Please! You can't leave me like this! Wake up! Do you hear me?! I said wake up!" Xiao Zhan shakes his father but no matter what it was too late. "You are my only father! Please wake up!!"  Xiao Zhan weeped and cried in sorrow by his father's side while Yibo comforted him. "How could leave me like this dad... why?" Xiao Zhan cried. His loud cries continued on for an hour until finally he picked up his phone.

"Ah, Xiao Zhan! My favorite cousin! How are you!" "Jili, go get your parents. My father committed suicide." Xiao Zhan started crying again mentioning his father. "Wait what?! Your not joking right? Me and my parents are on our way! We'll call an ambulance!"

Before Xiao Zhan could speak the call was disconnected. Xiao Zhan stares at his father as tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't say a single thing. Every time he wanted to say something only air came out. In one last desperation he shook his father. "Wake up, please..." 


With a loud shout he collapsed into Yibo's chest. For the first time Xiao Zhan showed his most vulnerable state to Yibo. "Xiao Zhan it's ok. It's gonna be alright." Yibo hugs Xiao Zhan tightly. "My mother died, and now my father. What will I do..?" Xiao Zhan closes his eyes. "If only I could go back to the times where we were all a happy family. Just you, me, and FanXing."

"Da ge!" Jili's mother ran to Xiao Zhan's father's side in tears. "Da ge wake up! How could you take your own life!" She cried. Everyone cried over the dead body of Mu Chen, the father of Xiao Zhan and husband to Liu Li. "Da ge!!!" Mu Chen's sister held him in her arms as she cried loudly. "Miss, we must take the body now." One nurse said as she takes the body of Mu Chen.
Xiao Zhan Pov
"Today we stand here for the sad death of Mu Chen. He was such loving dad and husband..."

I watched as they lowered the coffin down the hole. Finally they gave out a shovel for us to put dirt in. One by one we each put a little bit of dirt in. When we were done everyone placed flower down for him. When it was my turn I got on my knees. "Goodbye father..." I bowed with reluctance of not wanting to let go. "Xiao Zhan, get up. It's time." Yibo helps me up and we walk back to the crowd. "I'll miss him too." Yibo says as he clings his arms around mine.
3rd person Pov
"How did it go?" Xiao Zhan Asked Ms. Wen. "He is doing much better then last time I would say. Just make sure he doesn't do anything Lcrazy." Xiao Zhan more his head and enters the room Yibo was in. "It's time to go back home."
It's been two months and everything has been dull and plain with a platter of pain and blood smeared on it. Yibo and Xiao Zhan we're slowly drifting apart as Yibo had fallen into depression while Xiao Zhan developed a
drinking problem. The two were a mess. Wen Ning tried his best to take care of the kids but it wasn't like he could be there at all times to watch them.

"Today you will stay with my mom ok?" Wen Ning says to the two kids before leaving. He drives to Xiao Zhan's place and enters. Upon going in bottles of beer were scattered everywhere. Wen Ning enters the kitchen to see Xiao Zhan drinking non stop. He makes his way upstairs to see Yibo sitting on the bed with lifeless eyes. With frustration he walks up to Yibo grabs him by the hand. "That's it." He drags Yibo all the way downstairs to the kitchen and of course drags Xiao Zhan too. "Both of you sit!" He yells.

Xiao Zhan and Yibo immediately sit down when hearing Wen Ning yell angrily. "You two need to fix whatever is going on. Your kids are always asking when you two are gonna come back. They would cry asking me if you two had abandoned them. And Xiao Zhan, have you forgotten that you have a company to run? Me and Jili have to go into your office everyday trying make everything work. I know your father passed away but you need to get it together because if you don't your kids are gonna grow up to think you both chose to abandon them. I know Yibo is dealing with depression and he can't take care of himself from all the trauma he's been through but this is ridiculous Xiao Zhan. Have you completely forgotten about your family!" Wen Ning finally snaps. "You can't drink your problems away because if you do you'll be destroying your own life. So just listen to me and start a new life. Find a normal home and not this mansion. A home where you and your kids can start over because I can't be responsible for them 24/7."

"You two have to get it together and raise your kids you fools. You have to stay strong for them because your kids would be the price of both your guys action. They won't want to be with you. They won't ever see you as parents if you keep acting like this. What I'm trying to say is, start over."

To be continued
Ok, Here are the ages for the characters if your curious. There probably not correct though.
Xiao Zhan: 27
Wang Yibo: 27
FanXing: 9
Yao Zhan: 5

𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 book 2 [✅] completed {mpreg} (going under editing)Where stories live. Discover now