𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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•Side note! The chapter today is longer then usual•
"I told you if you grow your long hair it'll look pretty." Yili smiles and runs his hand through the long soft silky hair. "You were right, I do look pretty." Yibo turns around and kisses Yili. "Your quite needy tonight aren't you." Yibo let's out a small smile. "Such a naughty boy, you deserve a punishment."
Xiao Zhan Pov it has been awhile hasn't it?
"Papa, when will mom come back?" Fanxing asked. I smiled weakly and patted his head. "Your mom will come back some day." FanXing looks at me confused. "But dad, why is it that everyone says mom is dead?" I shook my head. "Your mother isn't dead, he's somewhere out there." FanXing began to cry. "Did mom leave because he doesn't love us anymore? Is that why he sent me away to uncle Wen Ning?"

"He didn't leave us, he is just visiting someone right now. It's time for you to go to sleep little guy, let's go."

After tucking FanXing into bed I too went to my bedroom. "It's been five years, where are you?"
"Ah~ don't stop~ more~" Yibo moans loudly as Yili continued to slam into him. "Say it, your a fucking slut."

"I'm a dirty slut~" Yibo panted. "That's a good boy." With a hard thrust Yili cums inside of Yibo. Yibo let's out a loud pleasurable moan as he also cummed. Yili pulls out of Yibo and pulls a blanket over their bodies. Yibo snuggles up against Yili and smiles. "I love you."
Five years ago
After getting dragged into the fire Yili managed to escape with Yibo. "You fucking bitch!" He slaps Yibo harshly against the ground when they had made it to Yili's safe house. "Tie him up in the basement." Yili orders. His two men nods and drags Yibo downstairs. "Let me go!" Yibo kicks and scream but it was no use. In the end he was tied up. For about month he stayed in the basement. If he was lucky he would be untied but that barley happens.

Everything went downhill from there. Once Yili fully recovered he would come down there to do terrible things. Almost everyday Yibo was tortured. He was raped, whipped, beaten, and more. Then came one day... "Were this dress." Yili throws it at Yibo. Yibo with trembling hands takes the dress and puts it on after taking off his other clothes. "Perfect." Yili pins Yibo to the wall. "Please Yili, I need a break. The baby is weak." Yili raises his arm up with anger slaps Yibo. "You little bitch! Let that fucking baby die then!" With a strong kick at Yibo's stomach he started spitting out blood and fell to the ground. "Yili please, spare the baby some mercy!" Yibo pleaded. "You care for the baby that much huh? You little slut!" Another strong slap was directed at Yibo's face again. "That baby is fucking worthless."

"B-but you said you wanted the baby." Yibo protested weakly. "Shut up!" Yili tried to kick Yibo's stomach again but Yibo turned around protecting his belly from being kicked. "You want to protect that baby so much! Take this you little bitch!" Yili once again kicked Yibo's back. He spitted out blood once more and groaned in pain. "Yili please..." Yibo said before falling unconscious. Yili rolls his eyes and kicks the unconscious Yibo once more before leaving the basement. "So fucking annoying."

Nine months later
"Ahhhh!!!!!" Yili lazily walked down the stairs to see Yibo screaming in pain. "What now." He said annoyed. "Yili... please help me! My water broke!" Yili groaned in frustration, he heads back upstairs for a couple minutes before heading back down. "Here, deal with it yourself." Yili brought down a big bowl with warm water, towels, blanket, and a scissor. "Yili please I need your help!" Yili rolls his eyes. "I've done enough already ok?! Now leave me the fuck alone!"

Yili leaves Yibo alone to give birth. "Ahhh!!!" Yibo screams in pain. With no one there to comfort him he cried in pain and sadness. Yili couldn't even give the effort to help him give birth. How could you be so cruel to me Yili?After a long time of trying to push the baby was born. The loud cries of the baby could be heard from all over the house. Yibo struggles to get up but manages to sit up. He picks up baby and tries his best to clean his baby. After cleaning he cuts the umbilical cord. Then finally wrapping the baby with the blankets Yili gave him.

"Daddy is here little one, I'll call you little Yao Zhan." Yibo said smiling weakly. After a couple of days Yili has order his men to set up a crib and a bed for Yibo and his baby. "You better keep that damn baby quiet or else it might attract some unwanted attention." Yili said before leaving once again. During the middle the night Yibo was awoken to Yao Zhan crying. "It's ok, it's ok, daddy is here." Yibo gets up tiredly and picks Yao Zhan out of his crib and calms him down. "Here, drink some milk." Yibo said softly. He moves his already torn shirt to the side let's Yao Zhan suck on his "breast" that had gotten a little bigger. (Yibo didn't grow breast or anything. His chest just a got a little bigger because of the milk produced inside him.)

Soon enough Yao Zhan fell asleep again. Yibo then puts Yao Zhan back in his crib but only a couple minutes later Yao Zhan wakes up again crying. Yibo wakes up and grabs Yao Zhan. "Daddy is here, don't cry anymore Yao Zhan or else your other daddy will get mad." Yibo said with tears forming in his eyes. "Don't be afraid, daddy will protect you from the monsters." Yibo holds Yao Zhan closer and starts crying. "Daddy will not let anyone hurt you so don't cry." Yibo missed Xiao Zhan's warmth. "It will be ok little Yao Zhan, daddy is here to protect you."
One year later
After begging Yili Yibo received toys for Yao Zhan to play with. "Yao Zhan was still very small but Yibo had gotten the toys early so when Yao Zhan grew older he could play with the toys.
Two years later (another year later)
Even after two years Yibo was still constantly getting tortured. "Yili stop! Don't hurt him!" Yibo quickly rushed to Yao Zhan and wrapped his arms around him. "Can't you keep the baby's mouth shut!" Yili kicks Yibo's back in anger. "He's still just a baby! You don't have to hit him!" Yibo shouted. "You little bitch! Don't you fucking dare go against me!" Yili grabbed a fist full of Yibo's hair and dragged him to the ground. (Yao Zhan was on Yibo's bed) "Don't tell me what to do!" He kicks Yibo in the stomach before storming away angrily.

Yibo gets up weakly and hugs Yao Zhan who was still crying. "Don't cry baby, daddy is here..."
Three years later (another year later)
"Mommy?" Yibo smiles. "It's daddy Yao Zhan." Yibo pinches Yao Zhan's cheeks gently and laughs. "Mommy?" Yao Zhan tilts his head to the side. Yibo cooes at the adorable baby in front him. "What's going on." A rough but yet deep voice spoke. Yibo knee that voice, in fear he sat in front of Yao Zhan protecting him. "Mommy?" Yao Zhan said scared. He held onto Yibo's shirt afraid. "N-nothing, I was just playing with Yao Zhan." Yibo said looking at the floor not daring to look up. "I'm here to make a deal."

Yibo immediately looks up. "What deal?" He asked. "Pretend to be my happy husband, pretend like nothing has ever happened in the past, pretend like Xiao Zhan had never existed."

To be continued
Does any body feel sad about this chapter or just me? 😭

𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 book 2 [✅] completed {mpreg} (going under editing)Where stories live. Discover now