𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

810 57 7

"Xiao Zhan! Hahaha! Put me down!"

"Not gonna listen!" Xiao Zhan says playfully. "Ahh!! I'm flying!" Yibo yells excitedly. "Daddy? What are you guys doing?" FanXing asked as he comes up from behind them. "We're having fun, would you like to try?" Xiao Zhan is offered. "Yes! Yes! I want to fly like daddy (Yibo) too!" Xiao Zhan smiles before picking FanXing up and puts him in the air. "Hey now, be carful you two." Yibo warns.

"Haha, daddy is tired now FanXing why don't we go see want mommy!" (FanXing likes to call Yibo mommy and daddy sometimes while Xiao Zhan addresses Yibo as mommy.) "Yes! Yes! I want to play with mommy now!" FanXing quickly runs over to Yibo and sits on his lap. "Mommy I want to eat something." He asked with puppy eyes. "What about this sandwich?" Yibo picks up and sandwich and hands it FanXing. "Yummy! Next time when we have another picnic can mommy make sandwiches too?" Yibo smiles happily. "Of course."

FanXing gets off and goes to play with his toys near the mat where all the picnic food was. "What do you think of our summer home?" Xiao Zhan asked as he sat down next to Yibo. "It's great. We get to spend time with each other like a family. I don't ever want to forget this place." Yibo leans his head on Xiao Zhan's shoulder and closes his eyes, "Everything is so prefect. I will never forget this place no matter what happens."
"This is where you were the happiest remember." Yibo stares blankly at Xiao Zhan Before bursting into tears. He hugs Xiao Zhan tightly as he cried and weeped in pain. "Of course, this was our summer home. The place where I was happiest, with you."

"Shh, Don't cry Yibo. Don't cry. I'm here now."
The next day Yibo wakes up with puffy red eyes. "Xiao Zhan?" He looks around to see an empty room. Suddenly a loud boom was heard downstairs. Yibo quickly get's up and runs downstairs to see soup on the ceiling while Xiao Zhan, Yao Zhan, FanXing, And Wen Ning all covered up powder. "What did you guys do!?"
"Did you really think you could make soup?" Yibo grins at Xiao Zhan laughs. "And you three, how in the world did you get pancake powder mix all over you guys. Including you too Xiao Zhan." Wen Ning chuckles nervously before speaking. "We umm, ended up playing with the pancake powder mix rather then making it and we also kinda forgot about the soup." Yibo sighs before getting up. "You four are responsible for this mess so clean it up." Yibo gets up and heads upstairs leaving the four to clean the whole entire kitchen.

While walking through the somewhat long dark hallway he heard a whisper. "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." Yibo jolts. "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."  "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."  "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."  "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."  "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."

With wide eyes Yibo sprits to his and Xiao Zhan's room. Quickly entering the bathroom he starts to look for a pair of scissor. "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."  "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."  "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."  "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."  "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."

"Leave me alone, leave me alone!!!" Yibo continuously cuts his long hair until finally the door was being banged on. "Yibo! Open the door! Open the door please!"

Yibo refused to stop. He was a crying a mess.  "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."  "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."  "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."

The whispers continued until Yibo accidentally cut his finger. He drops the scissor and looks at his finger. Blood. A single red drop of blood slides down his finger. "Make it stop! Make it stop!!!"

Finally barging the door open Yibo was on the ground in tears with his fingers bleeding and his hair now short. "Wen Ning take the kids away." Wen Ning quickly nods before going back downstairs and took the kids away. "Make it stop Xiao Zhan!! I don't want to hear him anymore! I don't want to hear his voice anymore!!" Yibo was slowly losing his sanity and Xiao Zhan knew it. He hugs Yibo and comforts him. "It's all over, it's all over. He won't be bothering us anymore. Don't be scared ok? I'll always be here with you, by your side forever."

To be continued
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𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 book 2 [✅] completed {mpreg} (going under editing)Where stories live. Discover now