Mikoto electrocuted Kuroko and leaves the two of them.

Chelia: I feel so guilty right now. (starting to tear up)
Kuroko: Don't worry, Sissy's acting like this for a moment and I knew she'll forgive you soon.
Chelia: How about Wendy, I really think she's really mad at me. She's definitely ignoring me. (crying)

Kuroko hugs her sister to comfort her.

Meanwhile with Wendy in the library. Wendy is focusing on her homework while Mikoto come close to her.

Mikoto: Hey Wendy.
Wendy: Big sister, do you have homework to do too?
Mikoto: Is there something wrong? It's not like you to skip meals even though you're busy in your studies. Because you eat a lot since we were kids.
Wendy: I'm not yet hungry. (stomach growl)
Mikoto: Here have some rice balls, you should not skip a meal, it's not good to your health.
Wendy: Yah I know.
Mikoto: But why? Have you and Chelia have a fight?
Wendy: It's not like that, I have never been embarrassed or feel awkward in a person. And I feel confused with my feelings.
Mikoto: Do you love her?
Wendy: I love her as my bestfriend but I'm not so sure about it.
Mikoto: You know what, Chelia is so sad right now, she feels so guilty of what she did to you lastnight. I scold her earlier about being a pervert like Kuroko. I guess Kuroko is a bad influence to her.

Kuroko and Chelia appears out of nowhere.

Kuroko: I heard that Sissy.
Mikoto and Wendy: YOU'RE HERE! (shocked)
Kuroko: Yes. We're here because Chelia wants to apologize to Wendy, right Chelia?
Chelia: Kuroko-neechan! (bashful look)

Chelia seats besides Wendy then she apologize to her.

Chelia: Wendy, I'm so sorry what I did to you lastnight. I'm such a pervert. (speaks so bashfully in manner)
Wendy: No. You don't need to apologize, I'm not mad at you, I just feel awkward, embarrassed and confused about my feelings for you. You know what Chelia, I love you as my bestfriend.
Chelia: You mean it Wendy? (slightly cheerful tone) (blushing)
Wendy: Yeah. (smiles at Chelia)
Chelia: Yes! (hugs Wendy)
Wendy: (blushes like she's embarrased) Alright let me go Chelia, I cannot focus on my homework.
Mikoto and Kuroko: (high five) (smile at their sisters)
Mikoto: Alright let's do our homework before lunch is over. And you Wendy, don't ever skip your meals, ok? Even you Chelia!
Chelia: Me? (points to herself)
Mikoto: Don't ever do anything stupid on Wendy. Can you promise me that?
Chelia: Sure big sister Mikoto.
Mikoto: What? Why are you calling me that?
Kuroko: Oh come on Sissy, Chelia's gonna be Wendy's girlfriend just like us Sissy.
Mikoto: No. Never gonna happen.
Kuroko: Why not Sissy?

Wendy and Chelia laughs to their older sisters while arguing but then Kongou appears infront of them.

Kongou: Isn't that Misaka? Shirai?
Mikoto: Hey Kongou.
Kuroko: What are you doing here, you high and mightyness? (annoyed tone)
Kongou: You guys doing your homework too?It's a long break so I decided to do my homework. May I join you.
Mikoto: Sure Kongou.

Kongou seats beside Mikoto then Kuroko glares at Kongou. But then suddenly the whole ground is shaking then the books from the library are moving. The students from the library go outside the building. Kongou sense a dark shadow on some walls even to the bookshelves.

Kongou: Who's there? I am Mitsuko Kongo of Tokiwadai Middle School. No one assults me and my friends.
?????: Heh? Are you looking for me? (evil tone of voice)

Meanwhile outside Tokiwadai Middle School. Mikoto did not notice where's Kongou after Kuroko teleports the 4 of them.

Mikoto: Oh no! Where's Kongou? (worried)
Kuroko: Don't worry about her Sissy! She powerful as what she said.
Mikoto: No. We should save her.
Wendy: I sense a familiar magic, I sense using my dragon slaying ability.
Mikoto: Me too. Come on Wendy, let's save Kongou.
Kuroko: No you don't Sissy. Chelia and I are Judgement members so it's our job to maintain the peace and order.
Mikoto: But this is a mage we should fight. Let Wendy and I do it. We're Dragon Slayers remember?
Kuroko: Alright Sissy, I'll call for some back ups. Hey Chelia, where are you going?
Chelia: I'll go to help big sister Mikoto and don't want to steal my Wendy for the second time. After all I'm a Sky God Slayer.
Kuroko: Ok. Just promise me you'll be safe after this.
Chelia: Ok we will. (smiles at Kuroko)
Mikoto: Alright girls let's go!
Wendy and Chelia: Right!



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