Ch. 21 - Memories

Start from the beginning

"You know me" I respond. "As always, I watch everything with concern."

Meliodas chuckles. "Yeah, sounds like you." I look at Meliodas and chuckle as well. Silence surrounds us as we let our thoughts wander.
"Are you really going to fight him?" Meliodas asks more quietly as his voice is filled with worry and I immediately know who he's talking about.

"Are you? He's your brother after all."

"I fear I have to" answers Meliodas me and I can tell he's not happy about his answer either and it surely isn't what I wanted to hear but it's what I had to hear. After all, it is the truth. But there's just something inside me that refuses to think about Meliodas or me fighting against Zeldris or the other Commandments.

"I don't want you to do this, Meliodas" I say to my friend. "He's your brother... You already had to go through so much. I don't want you to be blamed for killing your own brother."

"It's not like they haven't tried to kill me" he chuckles and then gets serious again. "Why did you never tell me?"

"That I was in love with your brother?" I ask and Meliodas nods.

"He'd never admit it but I know him very well. So I know he never told you, but you had a special bond with him. You reached him on a level that no one else could."

I almost spit out the beer as I laugh out loud. "He wouldn't hesitate to hurt you if he ever finds out you said that."

Meliodas joins my laughter. "Well, he could try but I believe I'm still the stronger brother."

"At least you still have the bigger ego" I joke and Meliodas and I laugh together again. I couldn't ask for a better best friend.

"We never talked about your feelings when you met Zeldris at Vayzel."

"Because there isn't anything to talk about, Meliodas. All that mattered was to save you."

"You know... You're just as stubborn as him" he says and new giggles fill the room.

After another unsuccessfull atempt to fall asleep, I decide to take a walk to get some fresh air.
I never went to the cliffs again or tried to see Zeldris again, just like I've told him. I don't want Zeldris memories to return because I don't know what will happen in the end. I would never let Meliodas fight his brother but I wouldn't let Zeldris hurt Meliodas either. So if things will get real serious, I'll step in their way. But that isn't a thought that I like at all.
Meliodas knows that I miss Zeldris a lot and I think he knows that I still love him. He tries to be kind and understanding and I really appreciate it but Meliodas doesn't know what I did 3.000 years ago and that Zeldris can't remember me anymore. I know he'd understand the pain this brings with it because Elizabeth has forgotten about him so many times and each time again, he couldn't tell her because it would have reactivated her reincarnation again. But after the conversation I had with him earlier, I don't know if he'd understand why I did this in first place. Maybe he would even get mad at me and after all the conflicts we had lately, I don't want to cause another one.

a few hours earlier
"What's on your mind?" asked me Meliodas and joined me sitting on my bed. It almost felt like the good old days just that everything around us looked way nicer than the stone walls from the demons castle. As always, Meliodas knew when something was wrong with me. Maybe that is the difference between friends and best friends - we could read each other so easily and always knew when something was off.

"I was wondering... Do you believe Gowthers words? I mean what Diane said what the first Gowther said about memories that can't be erased..."

"Well, something really strange happened to Diane and Gowther. It's hard to not believe so" said Meliodas and I nodded and thought about it some further. "Spill it out" said Meliodas as he knew I hadn't said everything.

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