Chapter 29: Police Interview

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Three days later...

"Miss Williams, please. I know you're probably still shaken up but I need you to cooperate with us and help us find the person who took you. Do you recognize this man?"

Jane stared at the photograph that detective Amanda Vicks slid towards her. Dressed in a crisp black suit was the man she had grown to love over the course of six months. (I honestly forgot how long it's been but we'll just say six months for now)
She shook her head, denying knowing who he is.

"Are you sure?" Jane nods.

"Because we got a call that someone saw you with him at a restaurant last week."

Jane knew exactly what she was talking about. She was talking about their first date. Jane remembered every detail from that night, it was one of the best nights of her life. When Enzo told her he loved her, all the butterflies she felt. And when he kissed her, leaving her dazed and breathless. She thought of that night quite often.

"I've never seen this man in my life," with fiery conviction, Jane locked eyes with the detective.

Of all the things Jane thought she'd be doing in her future, lying to the police to protect a wanted criminal whom she had fallen deeply in love with was not exactly on her bucket list.

Amanda knew she was lying. She'd been with this job long enough to spot a liar from a mile away; however, there was no proof. Conveniently, there were no security cameras in the restaurant and due to the rain, the street cameras were hazy so they couldn't make a clear distinction of anything.

So without solid evidence, detective Vicks had no other choice but to take Jane's statement.

"Very well, thank you miss Williams. Every little bit helps us get closer to finding this guy."

Amanda stood from her seat indicating that their meeting is over. She held the door while Jane gave her a lazy smile and exited the office.

Jane met her parents outside.

"Well, I believe we're done for today," Amanda smiled at the family. "Jane thank you again for your cooperation."

"No, thank you for all your help. If there's anything we can do please let us know," Finnegan Williams shook hands with the detective.

Amanda nodded. "Jane?"

Jane took her attention off of the floor which she had been staring at and up to Amanda. She pulled out a business card from her front pocket and handed it to Jane.

"I think it'd do you some good to talk to someone about everything. I really hope you'll consider it."

Jane glanced down at the card.

Brooklyn Mental Health Clinic
Beatrice Michaels, MD

A psychiatrist? Why on earth would she need a psychiatrist? What she needs is to see Enzo. Ever since he left her at her parent's doorstep that night she couldn't stop thinking about him. She's been losing sleep wondering why. Wondering what she did for him to just leave her like that. Was he ever coming back?

Pushing her thoughts away, she gave detective Vicks a simple nod and stuffed the business card inside her pocket. Following her parents out of the police department, they went home.


I watched her as she climbed out of her parent's vehicle and walk inside her house. Her smooth brown hair flowing every which way. God, I just want to run my fingers through her hair. I want to taste her sweet lips on mine.

All this waiting is becoming unbearable! I want her now! But it's too risky to get her now. Her parents are home and they'll get in the way.

"Soon, princess. Soon I'll have you all to myself." I smirked to myself and continued to watch as Jane opened her bedroom door. She slipped out of the shirt she was wearing so now she stood in a very alluring white bra and matching panties.

She moved over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. Her long, creamy legs slowly stepped into the pair of leggings. Then she slipped into the shirt, hiding her beautiful body from my view.

I swallowed as the scene replayed in my mind over and over again. The curve of her breasts, so captivating I couldn't stop thinking about them.
I can't wait until I have her all to myself and do whatever I want to her. I'll make her scream so much louder than that fucker Enzo ever could.

I smirked. I'll finally get to see up close whats under those pretty clothes of hers. All in due time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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