Chapter 8: Mama's Home

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I walk up to my room after a long exhausting day. One of the idiots that works for me screwed up a drug deal making us lose millions of dollars worth of cocaine. So,all day I've been trying to figure out a way around this inconvenience. I made sure he will never cause me anymore problems. 

I haven't seen Jane is a while, but I guess that's good, right?

Yes. I must stay away from her. I can't allow her to get into my head more than she already is.

"But, you do want her in your head. You want her. All of her." My mind told me.

"No! I don't want her. She'll only cause problems for me and get in my way." I mentally argued.

Just as I tell myself that, I make it to my bedroom but stop dead in my tracks.

Jane and Matteo, that flower boy, were near inches apart, making my stomach drop.


They both jumped back in surprise, looking anywhere but in my direction as a blush paints Jane's adorable cheeks.

Not now, Enzo!

"Signore Valeri! I-I can expl-" Matteo tried speaking, but I cut him off.

Letting my mind think of the worst possible things they could've done had I not interrupted. "Whatever, just keep it down." I hissed as I walked back to my room, slamming the door.

I'm so angry at them.

Why? Ugh, I don't know why.

I hate her.

No you don't.

She makes me so angry.

No she doesn't.

I can't stand her.

Yes you can.

Errrrg! This is all so confusing.

Alessandro was right. I am too late. She already belongs to another man.

I had a plan to make her mine: Fill her head with fantasies about all the things I could give her. Make her think that I would make her wild dreams come true. I was going to win her over with my charms and money, isn't that what all women want, money and a man who can give her everything she desires?

But now she's with him.

Just as I started to give up, a maid knocked on my door. "Don Valeri, you have a guest in the living room that wishes to see you right away."

I just want to go to bed!

I make my way down stairs to the living room and my mood is immediately built up at hearing the familiar sound of yelling orders in Italian.

"Lorenzo Giovanni dei Valeri! Vieni qui e saluta tua madre." (Get down here and greet your mother.)

"Ciao, mah. Come stai? (Hello, mah. How are you?)

"Not so good. My only son does not call me." She says with a sarcastic sigh. "Tell me Lorenzo, what is more important you cannot call your mama, eh?" Her thick accent prominently standing out.

"Mi dispiace, mama. I've been busy." I tell her.

"I heard you have been busy. Kidnaping a young girl is very time consuming." Mama looked at me with disappointment in her eyes. "Figlio mio, I understand you are il capo della mafia, but the poor child was scared, she could have easily been persuaded."

I looked at her like she'd grown another head.

Could have been persuaded?

"Mama, you do know that if I didn't take her she would have told the entire country about what she'd seen." I stated.

"Sì, but she wouldn't be telling them anything they didn't already know. Enzo, mio figlio, you are the most feared man in all the country, notorious for murdering people, ( which I am not very fond of) and besides it is not like the police will do anything, they're all pussies."

She's right. The entire country knows who I am and what I do. So, why did I take her?
I'm still trying to figure that out myself.

Maybe I was bored? No. It was because I was attracted to her.

The way her eyes shined in the streetlights. Those eyes that I could stare into for an eternity and never grow bored.

The way her sweet scent of vanilla and coffee took away the reeking stench of blood. That smell that intoxicated me every time she's near. That smell that I smell at random times of the day.

The way her chocolate brown locks were blown over her face by the wind. The hair that I would give anything to run my fingers through and whisper sweet nothings in her ear as we lay beneath the stars.

Or perhaps it was how her stance held confidence and maturity. That stance I want standing next to me everyday as my queen.

"Hmm, I knew it!" My eyes shot open and I jump at hearing mama's voice. I give her a look of confusion.

"You're daydreaming about her. I can tell by how relaxed your shoulders are and how you have a slight smile in the corner of you lips." I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't dreaming of her, mah, I'm just really tired. It's 2:00 am." I point out.

"Go get your sleep, mio figlio. You have a long day ahead of you." She smirked. Just as I was about to question what she was up to, she walked away to the guest bedroom where she was staying.

I hope she doesn't do anything drastic.

But of course, life always chooses to do the opposite of what you want.


Hey loves! Here is another chapter for you guys to enjoy.
I have a very busy schedule so I won't be able to post new chapters as often, BUT I will try my best.

Fell free to point out any mistakes and I'll do my best to fix them.

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