Chapter 10: Fight

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Jane's POV

6:45 pm.

I glanced at the clock as I put the last pin in my hair. Tonight was my and Matteo's second date. Looking at my white lace dress in the full- length mirror, I let out a deep sigh.

'I hope Enrica's plan works.' I thought.

I am not too fond with the idea of using Matteo to make Enzo jealous. It just doesn't seem right. Matteo has been nothing but amiable, I shouldn't be doing this to him.
But then Enrica would be crushed that I failed to keep my promise in making her son happy. She cried her eyes out to me yesterday just reminiscing on the past memories of her son's youthful joy. I couldn't possibly bear the fact that I hurt her . But, Wouldn't I be hurting Matteo as well?

This is all too much, I don't know what to do!

Knock knock knock!

Snapping out of my mental war, I grabbed my handbag and walked to the door. Once opened, I see Matteo standing there with a beaming smile creasing is eyes. He was dressed is a suit with his hair gelled is a nice do. "You look absolutely beautiful."

"Thank you." I looked down at my feet in attempt to hide my blush.

"Shall we?" He held his arm out for me to take, which I did.

We reach the foyer when a cold, hair raising voice ceased our leave.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Ug oh!


Enzo's POV

*Twenty minutes earlier*

I was sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of scotch in one hand and a cigarette in the other when my mother entered the room.

"Dio mio, Lorenzo! Non ti ho detto di non bere mai alcool e fumo! Un giorno ti ucciderai." She lectured taking the cigarette from my mouth and throwing it away.
(Translation: My god, Lorenzo! What have I thought you about drinking and smoking! You'll kill yourself one day.)

"Sì, Mama, io so." I know.

"Allora perché lo fai?" So why do you do it?

I shrugged. I guess I just liked the thrill of it. It's also a good distraction. A distraction from a certain someone.

"Sei proprio come tuo padre. Nessuno di voi mi ascolta." You're just like your father. Neither of you listen to me.

"So, I heard Jane is going out with the gardener boy, sí?"

I stiffened. I dint particularly like Matteo, he's always been too talkative and slow at work. He's worked here almost three years and it seems as though he has slept with every female in this estate. Matteo has always been suspicious to me, I don't know what it is but I don't like him.

"What would I know. Jane is just a maid who cleans up after me. Her life her is of no concern to me." I lied. Her life here is of every concern to me. I want to know what she is doing at all times, where she is, whom she is with, what she is wearing, what she eats, everything!

"Do you really believe you can lie to my face and get away with it? I am your mother! I spent nine moths carrying you, hours of a painful birth delivery, and 28 and counting years of raising you. You cannot lie to me so easily, figlio mio."

"Mama, you no longer have to raise me, I am grown man." I reasoned with her.

"No! Until my last breath I will have to continue to raise you, because even now you're are still immature." She argued.

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