Chapter 20: Business Deals

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*Knock knock*

Who in God's green earth is knocking at this hour!

Jane groaned and looked over at the small digital clock sitting on her bedside table; it read 7:00 AM. She yawned as she dragged her feet to the door, she opened it to reveal a smiling  Enzo already dressed and showered for the day.

"Good morning, gorgeous!" He cried very enthusiastically. A little too enthusiastic for such an early morning if you ask her.

Quickly flattening her horrendous mop of bed head, seeing as she wasn't expecting company. "What are you doing here?"

"What? I can't come sabotage my girlfriends beauty sleep?" He winked.

She couldn't help but smile at him calling her his girlfriend. They have been dating for a little over a week now and so far everything was going smoothly. Everyday, Enzo would shower her in kisses and constantly tell her how beautiful she is and how lucky he is to have her. She still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that she agreed to date a mafia boss. Or that she's in love with one.

"How are you feeling this morning?"

"Well, I was doing just fine. That is, until someone decided to wake me," She teased him, straightening his tie a bit.

He hummed in response before kissing her. "What," he feigned a shocked expression. "who would dare awaken you? I'll have them done away with this instant!"

Jane couldn't help but laugh at his playful personality , it was a new side of him she never would have guess he had. She shook her head at him, smiling. Her eyes filled with love and admiration.

"You're something else."

"But I'm your something else," Enzo gave her a peck on the lips, "Get dressed and meet me in the dinning room."

The dinning room?

When she got to the dinning room, Enzo was sitting at the head of the table, in front of him were plates and plates of all different foods. From hams to eggs, grapes to pineapples, juices to wine, it was all there. Anything you could think of, it was neatly placed on the table top.

What's he doing in here? He always eats in his office.

He took notice of Jane's arrival and pulled a chair out for her to sit in. 

"Enzo," she started, "I'm a maid. I'm not allowed to sit here."

"Ah yes, I need to speak to you about that, have a seat," she obliged and sat down; he did the same. "you don't need to work anymore as a maid."

Her eyebrows drew together in confusion. "What do you mean? Why not?"

"Piccola,  you're my girlfriend now. You are to be treated like a queen, not a maid. You don't need to work anymore, I'll take care of you," His voice was soft and smooth, carrying gentleness in it's sound waves.

"But Enzo, I don't mind working as a maid. I don't want to be treated differently just because i'm dating you. It's unfair to everyone else!"

Enzo clenched his teeth together and balled his hands into fists to keep him from lashing out on her.  He'd never had someone say 'no' to one of his orders before. He took a deep breath to calm his temper. Then he calmly said, "Jane, please do not argue with me about this right now."

"I just don't understand why I have to stop working just because I'm your girlfriend now!"

"Because I said no, Jane! End of discussion!"

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