Chapter 9: The Plan

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Jane's POV


I exited my room with a smile. Today is goin to be a good day, I can feel it.
I make my way down to the kitchen for breakfast until I heard an unfamiliar voice.

Entering the kitchen I see an older woman, maybe in her mid 70's it seemed.

"Bontà! You must be her! Mamma mia, you're gorgeous!" The woman extolled. Grabbing my shoulders, she spun me around, getting a good look at me from every angle. "Bella!"

"Si, infatti lei è." Marco nodded in agreement.

With wide, confused eyes I looked at Marco, questioning him as to whom this woman is twirling me around like a doll. As a response, he just smiled then went back to chopping onions.

"Uhh... Thank you..." I blushed.

"Cristo, how rude of me! My name is Enrica. I am Lorenzo's mother." The woman-Enrica- stated  proudly.

"Wha-OH! It's nice to meet you. I uhh... I'm-" she cut me off. "Jane. I know."

"Lorenzo talks about you all the time." WHAT!?

"He... does?" I drew out the word carefully with great confusion once again. She gave me a big smile. Then, she grabbed my hand,placed me in a stool, fixed me a plate of the ham, egg, and cheese omelet Marco was cooking and and almost fed me had I not grabbed the fork before her.

Once she saw that I was eating, she left the kitchen. Returning a second later with Books in her hands. But, these weren't just any books. No, they were photo albums. Something tells me this is going to be fun.


"And this is his 17th birthday. He was so happy to get his dream car, when him and Alessandro drove it, the first thing they didn't was wreck it." Enrica smiled fondly as she reminisced. Enzo looked so carefree and happy back then. I wonder what happened to him to make him so cold and miserable.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a sniffle beside me. Looking at Enrica, I see she was crying. Uh oh!

"I miss when he was a little boy. He used to be so happy. When someone made a mistake he would kindly help them until they got it right, but, now if someone makes a mistake he will just kill them. Ever since Elli—umm," Enrica looked at me like she was hesitant about something. " I mean, this lifestyle was forced on him, he didn't want to be a part of it at the beginning, I know there is still some good in him," She cried. I felt pity for the woman. Her son is an angel sent from hell and she just want him back to the way he was before. I held her as she sobbed, occasionally rubbing her back. "You! He seems to like you. Will you help me make him happy again? Please, you can get through to him."

Oh my god!

"Umm... well.. I-" luckily, I was saved before having to give my answer. Oh look, speak of the devil and he will appear!

"What the hell is going on!? What did you do to her? Why aren't you working? What happened?" He shot questions out like a machine gun.

How am I going to explain this to him?

"Oh, I'm fine really. I was just telling Jane about what it's like to be an old woman. How much I miss being young and with a small waist." Her eyes had a mischievous glint in them as she winked at me.

"Mamma, sei perfetta," Enzo told her.

Okay, I may not speak Italian, but I think he just told his mother that she is perfect. That's so sweet!

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