Chapter 21: The One With The Cockroach Shoes

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Jane's alarm blared a shrilling sound throughout her bedroom. She hit the snooze button, but it wouldn't turn off. Pushing it several times more and banging it on the bedside table, but that too, was in vain. Finally, getting fed up with the stupid clock, Jane just unplugged it completely.

Sighing a breath of relief, she rubbed some of the sleep left in her eyes away and headed for the bathroom to start her day.


"I still can't believe he asked you to be his girlfriend! At least he has good taste and is smart enough to go for a real woman rather than that plastic doll," Lena said.

Lena arrived back at the Estate late last night. She had taken a plane back Columbia to see her mother who had become very ill with malaria. She suffered for three long weeks before finally letting go. Lena became very downhearted after her mother passed, but coming home to her best friends who continually gave her comfort and love, and making her laugh was what she really needed right now.

So here they all sat. Jane and the other four girls, Marco, and Matteo all sat at the small wooden table outside in the garden.

"Neither can we. We all thought he was done with relationships after Eliana."

"He loved her so much. Oh, it hurt everyone when she left," Giavanna added. Sophía elbowed her in in the side, grunting at her to be quiet.


"Who is Eliana?" Jane asked.

Everyone turned to face her, but no one said a word. It was as if this Eliana person was forbidden to ever be spoken of. This made Jane very confused and curious to know.

"You should ask Don Enzo about that. He could tell you," Marco courageously spoke up.

"Okay. Maybe I will."


Later that day, as Jane was walking through the halls of the upstairs, she heard muttered voices and bumping sounds on the wall. She stopped to listen for the origin of the noise.


She followed the sound.

Bump! Bump!

Jane followed the sounds and they took her all the way to Enzo's closet where she found Enrica wildly throwing his shoes everywhere and muttering things about each shoe.

Jane softly knocked on the molding of the doorway to let Enrica know that someone was there.

Enrica stood up quickly, like a child caught doing something wrong. Once she realized it was only Jane, she relaxed.

"Oh!" She exclaimed excitedly, "it's only you."

Jane shot her a perplexed expression that read 'what are you doing?'

"Merda! I told him not to buy these ugly things!" She held up a pair of dark brown dress shoes. "they look like cockroaches!"

Jane could be help but laugh at the woman. Her serious expression made it all the more hilarious to Jane.

Enrica held out the shoes to her, indicating her to take them. "Here, throw them in that bag over there."

Jane looked to her left and spotted a black trash bag filled with all kinds of shoes.
"Umm.. Enrica?"

"Sì, amore?"

"What do you plan on doing with all these shoes?"

"Well... I'm going to give them away. No sense in throwing away a perfectly good shoe. But never will I allow my son to own such ill-flavored footwear." She said as she looked inside a pair she was holding before tossing them to me.

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