Chapter 28: Sober Words, Drunken Thoughts

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Enzo stumbled in through the door of his house. It's late and everyone should already be asleep. The horrid smell of liquor fumed from his breath as he sighed. He couldn't bear the hurt he felt inside and the guilt as he remembered the crushed look in Jane's eyes when he told her to leave.

He drove to the nearest liquor store and bought a bottle of Havana Club. After drinking almost the whole bottle, he was starting to feel himself loosen up.

Walking past the entryway, Alessandro walked out from the living room.

"What took you so long?" Alessandro asked. He looked around his drunk friend.

"Where's Jane?"

Enzo clenched his jaw. "She's gone."

Alessandro drew his eyebrows together. "What do you mean?"

Enzo took fistfuls of Alessandro's collar and spat in his face. "I mean she's gone and she's not coming back!"

"She ran away? I don't understand, you-"

"I let her go." Enzo cut him off.

Alessandro stood appalled. Never in his eleven years of working as Enzo Valeri's underboss has he ever known of him to just let someone go. Then again, Enzo has never been in love with anyone before.

"Wow," Alessandro started. "I never thought I'd see the day Lorenzo Valeri does something for someone other than himself."

"Piss off," Enzo walked into the living room to the bar cart and poured a glass of bourbon. Alessandro followed him into the room.

"Let me guess, she said something to piss you off so you decided she wasn't worth your time?"

Enzo took another swig if his drink trying very hard not to let Alessandro's words get to him.

"No, she told you she loves garden boy instead. So the only way to keep that tragic love story from happening, you sent her back. Risking everything because you just couldn't bear to watch the women you love be in the arms of another man," he taunted dramatically.

When Alessandro saw that Enzo wasn't going to lighten up, he dropped the act and got to the point.

"Alright, what really happened?"

Enzo stared at the brown liquid sitting in his glass, wishing that it would do the trick and make him forget tonight. But he knew better. It was going to take a lot more than getting black-out drunk for him to forget her.

"I had to," he muttered. "I can't keep her here. She's not safe and she doesn't deserve to be locked up here with me for the rest of her life."

Shaking his head at his state of vulnerability, Enzo stood tall and put the mask of a Mafia boss back on. He continued, "Besides, I can't have a woman hold me back from what must be done."

Alessandro took a good long look at his best friend, his brother. Though he did admire him for his selfless act to protect the woman he loves, he couldn't help but think the man had completely lost his marbles.

"You are the biggest idiot I know," Alessandro huffed.

"You're going to let Jane, the only woman who's ever truly loved you since your sister died, go? The only woman who didn't run away after finding out who you are and what you do."

Enzo felt his walls breaking back down. He really didn't want to send Jane away, if there were anyway he could have her stay here with him and keep her perfectly safe then he would in a heartbeat.
But he knew there wasn't any way, so he did what he had to do.

"She doesn't belong here, Alessandro," Enzo stated.
"she's too good for a life like the one I live."

Alessandro places his hand on Enzo's shoulder and sighed.

"I don't exactly agree with your decision," he paused and looked his friend in the eyes. "but I'm proud of you for putting her first and doing what you feel is right."

With a slight nod from Enzo and one last pat on his back, Alessandro walked away leaving him alone with his thoughts.


Yikes! Short chapter but I felt realy bad for leaving you guys hanging for friggen MONTHS!!!
Things have just been hectic lately, as you all know, and I haven't found enough time to write but I'm trying.

As always,

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