Chapter 12: Locked In

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Jane's POV

After my encounter with Enzo last night I just couldn't be around him. The air was thick with tension and the only image that kept flashing through my mind were ones of Enzo and Alecia making out in his bedroom.. I always tried to knock myself out of before it could get too far, if you know what I mean.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear Francesca calling me. "Jane, are you alright, love?" She asked with deep concern.

"Yes, just thinking, that's all."

She didn't look too convinced. Her eyebrows creased and she narrowed her eyes at me."How are things with you and Matteo? Good, no?"

To be honest, I'm not sure. All that happened last night was really strange. I stayed up late because I couldn't figure out the cause of that fight. I mean, yes, partly because I was leaving the estate when I wasn't supposed to, but I felt like there's more. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

I let out a sigh. "We went out once. Then, he was going to take me out again last night, outside the estate, but Enzo wouldn't allow it. He said I wasn't allowed to leave without him. After that, they got into a fight. The weirdest thing was: they hardly spoke a word to each other. It was like they were speaking another language with their eyes..." I trailed off getting lost in thought.

"Anyway, Once I helped Matteo clean his wounds, he said that it would be best if we just stay friends."

She looked confused for a moment, looking around the kitchen as if all the answers to her questions would be hidden amongst the contents of this room. Finally, her eyes landed back on me and she beamed a huge smile.

"What?" I was curious as to why she thought Matteo getting beaten to a pulp was smile-worthy.

"Oh, nothing." She waved her hand as if to say forget it.

I decided to let this one go when another thought came to mind.

"Who's Alecia?" I blurted. Francesca froze completely, then looked directly at me.

She put down the rag she was using, dried her hands on a nearby towel, and spoke. "Alecia and Enzo grew up together, along with Alessandro." She paused for a moment, looking off into the distance like she were reminiscing on the past.

"They were all very close, but she favored Enzo more so than Alessandro. She would do everything with him. Once, she even told her father to have them marry when they get older. But before she could tell Enzo how 'in love' she was with him, they moved away."

"Don't get me wrong. Alessandro didn't mind it. He always had someone... to... be with." She said quite strangely if you ask me.

Did Enzo have feeling for her too?

If so, does he still have feelings for her?

"Don't get me wrong. Alessandro didn't mind it. He always had someone... to... be with." She said quite strangely if you ask me.

"Alecia is nothing but a money and power hungry snake. She always starts trouble here and then blames it one others." She continued.

No offense, but I can see her being like that.

Question is: why is she here now?

"I would stay away from her if I were you. She's dangerous. It's best if she doesn't know who you are." I nodded my head, agreeing with Francesca.  I do t want to get involved in the drama here.

A knock was heard at the back door. We both turned our heads to see Matteo, who, might I add, looked very nervous. He stood twiddling his thumbs, licking his lips over and over again. "Jane, Uhh, I know this will probably be very awkward, but I really need your guys' help."he begged.

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