Chapter 11: Old Friends

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Jane's POV

"What are you doing here?" Enzo seemed shellshocked as soon as he opened the door.

"Is that how you greet and old friend, Enzo?" The mystery woman teased. Her voice an annoying high-pitched sequel, almost like nails on a chalkboard.

"Alecia," Enzo breathed. "Uh, how how are you? You look great." He opened the door wider allowing her to enter. She giggled as she passed him. "Oh Enzo, I've missed you so much! It's been ages since I saw you last." Removing her coat, she tosses it on the bench next to the coat rack. Then made her way into the kitchen with Enzo following suit. Upon seeing me, still in my maid uniform, she demands something to eat.

"Yes ma'am, of course." I bow my head in respect before heading to the refrigerator to get some things to make. I am not as amazing in the kitchen as Marco is but he has taught me a few things so I am no completely helpless.

"Enzo, you get more handsome each time I see you." I freeze. Her hand moved to his which was resting on the table. She looked at his like she wanted to take him upstairs and do unspeakable things to him. Devour him completely.

"I greatly appreciate your compliment, Alecia. Thank you." He smile and gave the roof of her hand a gentle kiss.

I felt something in my stomach. Maybe I am coming down with a bug or indigestion.whatever it was, I felt like vomiting. Realizing I had been staring with my mouth agape, I quickly tried to finish the task at hand so as to not witness this flirtatious moment any longer.

Once I had finally finished cooking the lady her meal and trying so desperately hard not to eavesdrop on their conversation. I served the food to her, then cleaned the dishes. Excuse if myself, I hurriedly ran up to my room. Quickly brushing my hair and teeth, washing my face, and stripping out of my uniform and into my bed clothes, I ran and jumped onto the softness of my bed. Relishing in the comfort it provided.


I hardly got any sleep the entire night. Tossing and turning trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, but after several attempts I just gave up. I couldn't stop thinking about the woman, Alecia. Who was she? I didn't like her all that much but I couldn't help but envy her and her closeness with Enzo. So close, we were so close to kissing again. Oh how I so terribly wanted to kiss him. My heart began to race just by thinking of it.

Finally second to gather myself out of my safe haven and get me a glass of milk to help me sleep. I grabbed my cardigan and went to the kitchen. Pouring a glass I brought it to my lips and took a big gulp of the white liquid. I noticed there was a jar of cookies on the counter. Not wasting any time, I dug my hand in the jar and pulled out a mouthwatering cookie. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

I screamed and dropped the cookie on the table. Looking up at the barbaric culprit that scared the living daylights out of me with wide eyes. Enzo stood there with no shirt on, sweatpants, and messy hair that looked of so soft, like cotton candy. His well toned six pack glistening in the moonlight flowing through the window. His face having a sexy shadow from the night, not helping me avert my stare. Enzo noticed me staring and smirked.

"Uhh... I.. I umm... I c-couldn't sleep." Nervousness poured out of me not only because I had just been caught with my hand in the cookie jar, literally, but also because my very hot kidnaper/boss is standing half naked I front of me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I hope me and Alecia weren't too loud. She has the tendency to be very noisy when having a good time. You know, with enormous amounts of pleasure you just can't hold back." His smirk widened as well as my eyes and my mouth forming a large O shape.

Oh my god!

I was so stunned I couldn't even speak. It made me angry that Enzo would just sleep with any woman as if they were nothing but objects to him.

'No, you're just upset it wasn't you'

Ugh, shut up mind. I don't need your advice right now.

I looked down at me feet trying to avoid his intense gaze. I felt his presence walk up beside me and stop just inches away. I could feel his breath on my neck as he stood so close. Too scared to look up into his eyes and find out that what he'd said a second ago was true, I kept my body as still as possible. But he had other plans.

Placing a finger under my chin, Enzo life's my head up gently. Still refusing to look at him, I looked at his lips. Bad mistake.

He licked his lips making them shine in the light, also making them look more kissable. I swallowed. Christ help me.

"I should get back to her. She might get lonely." He whispered, trailing a finger down my cheek. He leaned in a bit and so did I, but then he started pulling away. I tried to stand in my tippy toes quickly before he was too far but I didn't make it. Darn, cure you, shortness.

He grabbed the water bottle that I did t even notice he took from the fridge and walked out of the kitchen.

Just great.

Enzo's POV

Shit!i was so close to kissing her again when that stupid doorbell had to ring.

Alecia was my childhood best friend, but she had moved when we were seventeen so I never got to see her often. I know Alecia has always had a crush on me, I just didn't pay it any attention because I didn't see as anything more than a friend.

After Jane finished making Alecia her food, she left in a hurry. I wondered if she was okay.

Alecia and I talked for a couple hours, catching up and what not. Then we both went to bed. In different bedrooms! But all night I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about Jane and why she left to hastily. Man, I really wanted to kiss her. I did catch a glimpse of disappointment in her eyes when the doorbell rand and we had to pull apart. Maybe she does reciprocate my feelings. Only one way to find out...

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Short chapter, sorry.

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