There's No Place Like Home

Start from the beginning

                 The plane ride was over. It was 10:30 in the morning. You let everyone know that you touched down and that you'd be on the way home. "Thank you Sir." "Yes Madame. How was your flight?" You sighed, "I'm here," you shrugged. He laughed, sensing your sarcasm. "Haha! I'll have you to your destination shortly!" The door shut before you sunk into your seat. That plane ride had you tired and a bit woozy lol. But nonetheless being back home was a blessing. The last time you came out here.... Yeah, even I don't know lol. Ever since you left here with Daniel, you hadn't made time to come back. At times you just got so busy, you were barely at your own home so you could only imagine. As you rolled the window down and gazed outside at the familiar buildings, you started to regret not coming home sooner. And more often at that. Damn, you felt terrible. "How did I let so much time go by..." You raised your cell phone to your face, answering the call from your mom, "Hey ma." "Hey baby, glad you made it safely." "Me too. I'll be there in a bit. I love you." "Love you too."  She'd been calling you non-stop! Guess she would be super happy to see you. As the distance between you and your family decreased by the second, the only thing that was on your mind was 'why'. What was the issue? Or issues? Anxiety started kicking in. You were beginning to dread this visit, only hoping that things weren't that bad. You thought about what Rev said. His encouraging words comforted you a bit but not for long. You were almost there...

                The car came to a halt. Your stomach was in knots. This was more nerve wrecking then any other moment to date in your life. Yeah, it was that bad... You sat back and took deep breathes. Moments later, the door opened. "We've arrived. Hope you enjoy your stay Mrs. Simmons." You looked up, "Thank you," you moved closer to the door, before stepping out. You double checked to make sure you left nothing inside. The gentlemen handed you your suitcase and shook your hand. You watched him get back inside the car. Once he pulled off, you started down the side walk and towards the drive way. You looked up and down the street, reminiscing a bit. "Damn, its been awhile..." Seeing this familiar place you once called home. "Let me get my ass inside, aha." Suddenly, a man came out of a car you had noticed parked across the street. He carried something in his hand. Being nosy, you inched slowly towards to door to get a good look. Just standing there would be a bit awkward. He hand this sign in his hand, or that's what it appeared to be. You started to mind your business but then once you saw him walking towards your lawn, you got a bit suspicious. "What the fu...." Your sentence came to a halt. Your hands began shaking as you covered your mouth. A huge Foreclosure sign in red letters was nailed into the ground in front of your parents home. "Oh m-my gosh," you took hold your suitcase and slowly made your way to the front door. You could hardly walk. Out of no where, you ran towards to the door. You needed to see them. *Knock-Knock-Knock* "[YN]!" "DADDY!" The door cracked open. Your dad stood there. He looked horrible. Very unusual, being that he was always well groomed. The tears ran down your face as you threw yourself into his arms. "Is that her Daryl?! DARYL?!" "MOM!!!" The sound of footsteps thumped throughout house. She came down the stairs and ran to you. Being reunited with your parents felt like a movie. Seeing your parents after so long, it was crazy... Then to come to that foreclosure sign. You had certainly been away for way too long. "DADDY, THIS MAN! HE PUT SOMETHING ON THE FRONT LAWN!!!" He let go of your hug and nodded, "Yeah.." "FORECLOSURE?!" You walked around, in anger... "Baby girl... I'm sorry you had to see that but its..." He stopped once he saw you run back outside. "[YN]! STOP!! STOP!! LEAVE IT ALONE!!" You were raged... The man watched as you attempted to yank it from the ground. "Baby... BABY NO! NO! NO!" Your mom had to restrain you. She held you as you cried in her arms... "BUT MOM..." "I KNOW BABY..." Your mom turned to your father, "Daryl, *she wiped her eyes* Fix the sign, please." "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! WHY?!" "Come inside [Yn]. I'll explain everything okay?! OKAY!!! JUST CALM DOWN!!" Even though you looked like a mad person right now, you didn't care. This was very disappointing and upsetting to come home to and witness. Fuck the neighbors; this was serious. After you mom managed to get you inside, you circled the living room in disbelief. Moments later your father joined the two of you. Nothing was said, just stares. Once the anger subsided, the sorrow began to set in. Your heart felt so heavy right now. This was all so confusing for you. "Why," you moved closer to them, "Didn't you tell me about this sooner..." They were both speechless. The smell of alcohol filled the air. I guess the drinking was a way they coped with things. They watched as you gazed at the empty bottles on the coffee table. "We... We cou-couldn't find a way... It was just... There's so much going on right now..." You shook your head as you sat on the couch. At this point, all you could do was surrender instead of trying to fight the truth right now. Being angry didn't help anything. Yeah, taking the foreclosure sign outta the ground didn't remove it from reality. And you knew this, you were just upset. Very, very upset. The two of them sat down beside you. Your mom leaned on you, resting her head on your chest. It was hard seeing your parents so broken because your were only used to seeing them strive. The silence was loud right now. "Why didn't you tell me? I'm in New York, well taken care of while my parents are here, struggling financially..." They said nothing. You looked at the coffee table and spotted a paper on top an envelope. They watched as you reached for it. "What's this?" "Divorce papers..." That was the last straw. Immediately, you got up and headed for the door. "Where are you going baby?" You turned around and looked at them. "Just outside. I wanna sit on the driveway. I'm not leaving this time." 

End of Chapter 13; There's No Place Like Home

Once again, thanks for your patience, lo♥e and support!

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