63. Emotional

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Evelina's POV.

The whole car ride back home, I thought about all the moments Zack and I share. I'm so dumb. I didn't realize I like him, even when I missed him in the classes we don't have together, even when I always tried to find ways to spend time with him.

"I'm home." I yelled as soon as I entered the mansion. Scooby came jumping out of the kitchen. I bent down and picked him up.

"Aww...Scooby." I exclaimed happily as he licked my face, making me laugh. It tickles.

I heard a camera shutter sound. Ryder stood some feet away from me, holding his phone.

"Why did you do that?" I asked, amused.

He shrugged and came over to me. "Haven't seen you smile like that for a while."

I just nodded as he engulfed me in a tight hug and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Wanna have a match?" He smirked.

"Just see what I do, trucker!!" I exclaimed, putting scooby down and clapping my hands. Scooby ran in circles around me and wiggled his tail aggressively.

"The black controller is mine." I said as I ran to the living room.

"Hey!! That's cheating." He exclaimed as he ran behind me.

I entered the living room. My jaw dropped.

"What are y'all doing here?" I asked.
"Just having an unplanned reunion." Uncle john said as I heard some chuckles.

"Okay." I said beaming at all of them. I was happy. I just wanted to smile.

They looked... Shocked?

"Wait!! Some of the men are missing." I said as I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Where's grandpa, Dad, Elonzo, Leo and Will?" I counted.

"They are in Grandpa's office, discussing business." Matteo answered, nervously glancing at my other brothers.

'Does it have anything to do with him?'
I pushed the thought away. I don't want to ruin my perfectly happy mood.

"Let's play." Ryder said pulling me towards the huge living room TV.

"We are going to play here? We'll disturb their unplanned reunion." I chuckled, pointing to the whole family sitting there.

"We have a right to watch the tournament." Xander huffed.
"We paid for the tickets." Xavier added.

"What tickets?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Invisible tickets." He said, waving his hand around.

"Anyone wanna buy tickets to the tournament?" Xavier asked.

"Yeah. Buy invisible tickets with invisible money." I said, stifling a laugh. Everyone burst out laughing.

I sat down and grabbed a controller.
"Get ready to lose, trucker." I yelled excitedly as Ryder started the game.

"You're going to lose, little baby." He mocked, earning a glare from me.

"In your dreams, little angel." I said as he glared at me.

"Headshot!!!!" Ace yelled from the couch as I shot an enemy in the head.

"Woohoo!! Bets on who loses?" I cheered.

"Of course. Its Ryder." Diego yelled, patting my shoulder.

"Yeah. My girl-dude is the best." Daniel agreed as he put a piece of cookie in my mouth.

Nathan was on the floor beside me, half-sitting and half laying with his elbow supporting him, twirling my brown locks in his hand.

"You all are so mean!! I'm your brother. You can't just gang up against me and side with her." Ryder said pointing at me. I chuckled.

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