57. He's back

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2 weeks later.

"Ugh. Coach." I exclaimed, frustratedly.

"What?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Can we get the push ups to 30, please? 50 is too much." I said, pouting and giving my puppy eyes.

"No. That's your punishment. Don't look at me like that. Puppy eyes are not allowed in my gym." He said sternly.

"Trucker." I gritted.

He heard it and flicked my forehead.

"I'll rip your ear off, Monkey. You should've thought before slacking off." He said sternly.

I pouted but started doing the push ups with Max.

"He's gotten dangerous these days." Max whispered.
"Man period." I whispered back.

"Stop talking." Axel yelled from his desk in the corner of the gym.

"Who made this Idiot our coach?" I gritted.
"You did it." He yelled back.

'How's he hearing everything?'

"I'm too exhausted right now or I would have put this giant ape in his place." I spat and glared at him.

"I heard that." Coach yelled in a sing song voice.
"You were supposed to." I yelled in the same tone.

After a heavy workout, I went home, utterly exhausted. I still have an hour to sleep. It feels good to train again. No matter how much Axel gets on my nerves, it feels good to have him back.

I was wearing a white T-shirt over a small tank top with thin spaghetti straps. I walked into the closet and pulled the shirt off. I stood before the mirror, examining the changes in my body. My stomach had sweat all over it, it was definitely flatter than before. I had my back to the door of my closet as I continued to check.

"WHAT'S THAT, EVVIE?" Nathan came out of nowhere and yelled.

'Oh no.'

"Nathan get out. I'm not wearing anything." I exclaimed turning around, so I can face him.

"That's a sportswear you are wearing. I've seen thousands of girls wearing that in gyms." Nathan said, reluctant to get out. "Now, tell me, what's that on your back?" He demanded as his eyes grew dark.

'I'm doomed.'

"N-Nothing." I mumbled looking down. I started moving towards the drawer to get a shirt out of it. I was trying to do so, without turning my back to Nathan. I slipped a shirt on and got out of my closet, pushing past Nathan.

"You can't get away with this, Evvie." Nathan said as he followed me.

"Get away with what, Nathan? I told you. Its nothing." I shouted.

"It's definitely not nothing." He yelled.

"Its just a scar, for God's sake. I got it from the kidnapping." I yelled, frustrated.

"Don't lie to me. Its an old scar. I have eyes, I can see that. Besides you just had one wound on your lower back after the kidnapping. I didn't know the scar could shift to the upper back." He yelled, sarcasm dripping at the last sentence.

'I need to do something.'

I put both of my hands on his shoulders, looking him dead in the eye.

"Look Nathan, we'll talk about it later." I said.

"No, we are talking about it now." Nathan said crossing his arms stubbornly.

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